The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Was there a travel advisory issued against going to Cheltenham?

Rules are for little people, not horsey cunts.

relax tim, its not the tinfoil hatter youre dealing with here.

I’d much prefer if you could adopt the more pragmatic approach to posting used by @tallback

but anyway, no, im not a public health expert and neither are you. and competent medical experts make mistakes, frequently, as well you know so their word should be viewed in that sphere. not as the gospel.

there will be people coming from all over the world for paddys day, many from infected countries and it is likely, that the could possibly be more infected people coming to paddys day than the 2k italians that would come over for the rugger.

Was there fuck!!!
Dosent mean we have to leave the cunts back in.

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At the Valencia game last night you could hear the fans chanting outside the ground.

What opportunity was lost?

The WHO, the experts, didn’t recommend it.

Scientists have further studies the travel bans and have asserted that this would have a modest impact. There are other consequences as well.

So the experts in liaison with the government decided to cancel major events here, but decided that it was ok to let tens of thousands go to cheltenham, without even so much as an advisory to limit the numbers going

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Travel restrictions seems to have worked quite well for Taiwan or do you have some misleading stat that says it didn’t?

The countries doing the best are the ones that have taken extreme measures. If you go into Israel you’re in quarantine for a fortnight.

They’ll be a good indicator of the effect of quarantine.

Its a major blind spot.
Its as if the ruling class are blind to their preferred activities as a source of infection. Its the lower class activities like soccer and those dirty Eyetallians that have caused this disease.

Rugby has been cancelled. Its almost as if you’re talking shite.

Only the rugby involving the dirty Italians and French. The “home” countries can play away

In Ireland?

A solution that appears to have some impact yet lads are screaming there’s no answer.

A Freudian slip?

If the government introduced quarantine, and it should for people returning from high risk areas what will the public reaction be. China might have it under control but they can control their citizens. Imagine teyimg to keep oirish people from the bookies or off licence.

I’d rather take my chances * with one lad from Wuhan than the 20/30 K cunts coming back from Cheltenham.

I didn’t call anybody else autistic, just you, due to your persistent refusal to accept that a larger number is larger than a smaller number.

Were your feelings hurt?

Who else did I call autistic? Or is the fact that you referred to yourself as “people” an admission of multiple personality disorder? :grin:

Equivocate all you like.

You were wrong.

Are they included in yesterdays batch?