The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Only the rugby involving the dirty Italians and French. The ā€œhomeā€ countries can play away

In Ireland?

A solution that appears to have some impact yet lads are screaming thereā€™s no answer.

A Freudian slip?

If the government introduced quarantine, and it should for people returning from high risk areas what will the public reaction be. China might have it under control but they can control their citizens. Imagine teyimg to keep oirish people from the bookies or off licence.

Iā€™d rather take my chances * with one lad from Wuhan than the 20/30 K cunts coming back from Cheltenham.

I didnā€™t call anybody else autistic, just you, due to your persistent refusal to accept that a larger number is larger than a smaller number.

Were your feelings hurt?

Who else did I call autistic? Or is the fact that you referred to yourself as ā€œpeopleā€ an admission of multiple personality disorder? :grin:

Equivocate all you like.

You were wrong.

Are they included in yesterdays batch?

It will be really interesting to see how many cases (if any) come out of the Cheltenham. 200k people from all over the UK and Ireland, coming together and dispersing again.

It could be carnage.

Iā€™ll give you 1/100 that we get multiple cases

Itā€™s different to a match where the majority of the crowd are from the local area. Cheltenham will have people from every corner of the two countries. Plus if anyone feels sick after coming home they will think itā€™s just liquor.

They did. Italy has tested over 60k for a population of 60 million.

Ireland has tested 1700 people in a population of 4.8 million.

The first figure means Italy have conducted around 1000 tests per million of population.

The second one means Ireland have conducted around 350 tests per million of population.

You think 350 per million is a higher figure than 1000 per million.

Not only are you categorically wrong, youā€™ve also proved you donā€™t understand basic maths. Itā€™s hilarious.

It seems inevitable with every passing day

Did Tim trip himself up posting misleading stats again?

Dimmy thinks 350 is a larger number than 1000 and heā€™s going to fight anybody who disagrees to the death.

Itā€™s mad what rabbit holes cult like political ideology will lead some lads to go down.

Guys, if I may interject, I think I may be able to resolve this.

Youā€™re arguing parallel points.

@Dziekanowski / Jackie is saying that at this point in time Italy has conducted more tests per head of population than Ireland. This appears to be CORRECT.

@Tim_Riggins is saying that if we are at the point of the curve that Italy was circa 3 weeks ago when cases started to increase exponentially then we have conducted more tests per head of population than Italy had at that point in time. This appears to be CORRECT.

Youā€™re both correct, guys. Well done.


Ah just give Sidney the win; he really, really needs it

Sidney doesnā€™t post here anymore, pal. You should lay off the conspiracy theories lest you come across as even more of a crackpot than you already do.