The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Not letting them come back

I’m not sure delaying calling off Paddy’s has any material impact? What difference does it make if it’s called off 10 days out or 14?

On the flight issues - I suspect (without much evidence to be fair) that significant pressure at an EU level has been applied that countries in the EU do not act unilaterally in instructing airlines to cease flying internally in the EU and/or in shutting borders.

yes, isolation on return

the decision was cynically put off so that people would still book to go to the parades. there’s still going to be 1000s of tourists mingling in the pubs on paddys weekend and id say by 31st march we’ll be well north of 500 cases

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I think the delay in cancelling was bad optics. What were they deliberating for? It was just plain common sense. Now they got there in the end but it didnt look great

But do you want them making decisions, big decisions, for optics or based on public health best advice?

Can’t believe you had to spell it out for him.

Do you really think they sat down and the Public Health doctors/experts were saying - “Hey politicians - we need to cancel Paddys day” and the politicians thought to themselves, not for a couple of days - we’ll get a couple of extra bookings (for the mostly booked up hotel’s/flights presumably) in and then cancel. Really?

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Surely the experts unilaterally decided that holding parades was a bad idea and it didnt take a week

I just outlined the outcome of the delay and why it may have been viewed as negative.

I’m glad they were cancelled

I think that is a mistake.

That is letting them back

We should have done that. Could we have enforced it?

Because of what public health experts told them, not Fooley or yourself.

In reality the politicians moved the decision up a few days.

Those of us from the land will be grand. The rest of the lads who think food grows in Tesco are fucked.

no, id say the public health guys also got caught up in the “paddys day good for the economy” and delayed giving their advice, and werent pushed on it by the govt who thought exactly the same thing.

Liverpool FC in danger of killing more fans.

So you’re saying the public health experts needed more time to decide whether or not to cancel a mass gathering in the midst of a pandemic?

The Government were one of the first to cancel a large gathering in the form of the Italy-Ireland game, that was on the advice of public health experts. That cost a lot of people a lot of money.

Stop talking nonsense.

and the parades shouldve been cancelled at the same time and they binned the italy game. surprised you cant see that.

If it’s any consolation to you, some Italians still came so not all the money was lost.