The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Which obviously means the death rate goes up.

Big difference between ascertaining a death rate in a scenario where there are few cases and in a scenario where the health system is overrun.

Tesco NCW

They’re taking the selves n’all. Animals.

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There are lads here who think John Crown is a conspiracy theorist. Funnily enough most of them support Fine Gael.

it’s just common sense to do the needful right now, if it’s not already too late.

We’re sleepwalking into a fucking horror show here

No way should Liverpool v Atletico Madrid be going ahead in front of spectators tonight.

debatable whether at all. But definitely not in front of a crowd. Incredibly negligent and irresponsible from the British to be going ahead with big events.

We can win this battle. Lads need to start to limit social interaction.

TFK could play a role in ladybirding that and offer free subscription for March to new members to show them the full life a lad can lead from his couch.

Sit on the couch with half an eye on a match where you hate both teams, love a team or an Irish chat show you hate, drink a craft beer or ten or half a bottle of whiskey and gradually abuse the teams, the show, the guests and forum members. Go to bed and set your alarm clock to fire off a post to rattle lads who are not early risers. Post a photo of your lunch or dinner and repeat.


It’s nuts. The political power of major sports organisations is undermining public health. The decision on this should have been made by Sunday at latest. Spain and particularly Madrid is becoming the new Italy and there will be people from many different countries there tonight because of the international nature of Liverpool’s support.

Look it, I’ve loved Liverpool since I was 7 years old and as a Liverpool supporter this has come at a very inopportune time. But this is serious shit and no football match or league title should take precedence over international public heath in a pandemic.


Some good news at last. A 15 minute screening test has been developed by N. Carolina company BioMedomics and is already in use in China, Korea and Italy and being fast tracked for use in the US. It screens for both antibodies that indicate the SARS-2 virus, and is roughly 90% accurate. It’s important to note this is a screening test, but gives a 15 minute result that any doctor or nurse can administer, no more complicated than a blood sugar test.

The US to the fore again in medical technology.




The Scouse rats are invulnerable to all disease.

Ok what is it

Do you still think it should be let run its course to kill the old and weak?

The Italians used it to save a couple of people over the last couple of days… It’s a drug for arthritis.


Only 9 new cases and all explained. The HSE are playing a blinder so far. The longer we can keep it at this rate the better chance we have of being able to use new advances in testing and treatment to contain it.


I love Cheltenham but no way should it have gone ahead. Crazy decision.


we can do this.