The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Rugby finally makes inroads in working class Dublin:

Surely there has to be a good chance this virus will burn itself out like normal flu season and disappear far quicker than the timelines being given?


Weā€™re fighting two viruses now pal.

The Covid 19 virus and the Fear Virus


How the ECB handles this will determine if the EU has a future . If it fails or if there is a feeling that they are impeded from doing the right thing for all citizens then the EU is doomed .


Some reports that high Humidity lessens transmission.

One degree Celsius increase in temperature and one percent increase in relative humidity lower R by 0.0383 and 0.0224, respectively.


Prescient or something

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Something random I was thinking of today. I wonder how many people will be murdered by a partner because of this confinement. Itā€™ll surely be a large % increase. Iā€™d imagine divorces will spike too after the next few months

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It wonā€™t because we are now deliberately slowing it down, slowing the rate of infections. Thereā€™s no guarantee it will die out to due to heat in the summer, but it might help. If we hope to get over the worst of it by the end of summer a significant number need to get it and develop immunity, managing that spread is the challenge. There are no good answers, other than treatment and a vaccine, but those will be next season at best. Unless thereā€™s some incredible breakthrough in therapy.

Is everything okay mate? This is (relatively) safe place

The failure to help Italy has been a disgrace.


Did you not just get married a few years ago? A bit early for murder at least.

I was just thinking today itā€™s lucky I actually like my wife considering we are facing two months boxed into the house with the baby.
Weā€™ll be well sick of each other by the end.
I know a few lads starting off on a bad foot and it must be fair tough then. Lads whose relationships are surviving on the basis that they donā€™t see the missus from one end of the week to the other will be in big trouble


Sheā€™s safe for now with the crĆØche closed

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Itā€™s gonna put strains on every relationship we have. My folks are gutted they canā€™t see their grandkids, and weā€™re only a few days in. But look it, as they said, they and their parents came through rougher times and theyā€™ll hopefully do so again, as will we with a bit of luck. Life goes on. We adapt.

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Itā€™s going to be incredibly tough for the average club GAA maniac, used to coming home from work, grabbing the gear bag and heading out for training, followed by a feed of pints. Irish men are just not used to interaction with their wives/partners outside the bedroom.

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Thereā€™s going to be an awful clatter of weans born around next Christmas, the dubs will probably christen all of theirs Kerona or somethingā€¦

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After Christmas many clubs will hope!

Were they as shocked as the rest of us to find out that the kids existed in the first place?

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Kah-roh-na will you come in for yizzer dinner

Youā€™d do well to listen to MBB, heā€™s an expert on confinement