The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Loads of Italians and Chinese in Corkā€¦ Amazon are bringing in Chinese to work by the dozens.

Why are there a load of Italians coming in?

St paddy rid us of cobras and he will do the same with Coronas

What about the Italians, will he do anything about them?

Cultural Similarities (Both lazy greasy bastards)

The postponed rugby football.

Apparently there are large numbers of Chinese working in the textile industry in Northern Italy.

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Would it not be as well to treat it like the chicken pox at this stage and just all get it on purpose, write off the 2 or 3 weeks for recovery then

It was nice knowing you all.

Only a matter of time before weā€™re all wiped out.

Itā€™ll only get 2% of us.

Given that @Dziekanowski and @anon60384913 are 70% of us, I donā€™t like their chances


@Dziekanowski hasnā€™t a hope of getting it.

Iā€™d say he ates a lot of delivered food and Iā€™d say a lot of people spit in it


A lot of Liverpool fans wonā€™t get to see them win the league.

Post reported

King rat.

A large cohort of same have already achieved that feat.

We wonā€™t beat the virus if we donā€™t all fight it as one

Viruses hate left-wing solidarity

Thatā€™s the opposite of what needs to happen

The virus is non political