The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Clare and Cork are gone time to man the boats #Dunkirk

The entire Easter seaboard too

Fuck. I overnighted in Cork last night.

You’ve enough wrong with you, don’t be muscling in on this


Don’t worry Mike. You’re grand

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“Irish Health Ministry” Did they not nearly cancel the Quidithch World Cup in Harry Potter 4(Goblet of Fire) becuase of the threat of Death Eaters?

I keep telling ye lads. Go on away out to the pub this weekend and enjoy yourselves because we won’t be going out of the house by this time next week


The industrious and frugal northern Italians are the cause of this . The lazy , corrupt , criminal southern Italians are blameless in this sorry episode .

Just when I’m finally getting the hang of coughing into my elbow too. I wasn’t quite as awkward as the Winning Streak contestant who couldn’t wave, but I had been finding it difficult to master.

@Rocko have you the server capacity for the absolute shite that’ll be talked here for the next month when we are all off work? Although my posting will probably drop in that scenario :joy:

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Like dabbing

What you think re Cheltenham

If you’re thinking about going, buy a plot for when you get back

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Stock your fridge anyway lad. You could be on self-quarantine after you arrive. Sadly, Im serious saying that

If it was Tuesday week it’d be cancelled for sure, with it only a few days away they might just get it in before the net closes.
I know you are obviously mad for it to go ahead, but it seems unnecessarily irresponsible to go ahead with it IMO. Not sure why they’d take the risk.

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I’ve a friend who bred chantry house and paisley park off eight mares. Huge week for his business.

It is and dont get me wrong I love horse racing and have the 4 days off to watch it, but Julios point has merit. In the circumstances its is very questionable whether any such events should be going on here or in the UK.

If the kill rate was higher theyd have it called and we dont have enough data yet to know what Covid 19 could do

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You reckon they should kill more horses?

Why? What happened?