The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They don’t want those filthy Italians eating in their restaurants over the weekend. I have it on good authority they will open again Monday.

Another death in the UK. Gloucester .

We ain’t the Chinese this side of the world however.

He didn’t give numbers so he could be speaking through his hoop too. But assume its based on some sort of trends etc

Was co morbidity in play?

Over a thousand new cases in Iran in the last 24 hours.

Seems to be gone viral in Germany, France and UK now. They’ll be hitting Italy’s numbers within a week at this rate.

I’m told health professionals are preparing for a complete shutdown of normal life from about two weeks time on at which stage they expect it to be rampant.

UHL sent home another shot of staff today that might have been in contact, if they keep going at that there won’t be a doctor or nurse left. At some point they’ll just have to accept a there’s a reasonable level of risk involved but the risk of having no staff is worse.

UHL has two containment units in the whole hospital. There are six patients in there already and it hasn’t even started :see_no_evil:

This weekend will be mayhem with people trying to stock up on essentials … thank fuck i bought a load of paracetamol, calpol and vitamin C/multivitamins last week … yesterday I got soups, potato waffles, noodles, beans, tuna, pasta, rice and tonnes of frozen veg and all those type of tinned/non perishable goods. Got loads of flour + porridge and gonna bake and freeze bread tonight…the unprepared might go a month without seeing fruit or veg.

I wish you all the very best.

See you on the other side or else in the Gaelic Grounds tomorrow, whichever comes first

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I’ll be holding bread making classes this weekend.

Those of us with a spare acre of land to grow fruit and veg are the only ones who’ll survive (or else be killed by marauding hungry hordes)

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I see a fella in South Korea got caught rapid having an affair when they had to trace all the people he was in contact with :see_no_evil: Talk about a bad week

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We have 15 night’s of dinner made up – lasagna, shepards pie, green curry, spag ball - chicken broccoli etc. etc … if you havent at least 10 night’s worth of dinners made up and frozen by now you might as well just go jump off a bridge.


I’ve a mountain of pasta bought. Of course it’s coming from Italy, so there’s a fair chance it might kill me, but swings and roundabouts.

I think that argument could also be made in relation to the virus overall. It sounds like it can’t be contained in which case we are as well just open the doors and let it do its worst which, correct me if I’m wrong, still isn’t that bad.


It can’t be contained but we have to try slow it, or way more people will die. We haven’t the capacity in health to cope with the normal stuff, they’ll be overrun by even a minor uptick not to mind an epidemic


Those feckin bat eating bastards!!

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Exactly. The older population and the sick need to be isolated and protected, a hospital is the last place you want them going to as they are guaranteed to get it there if they don’t already have it. The best thing the government and individuals could do right now is arrange for food deliveries to the old and sick, and stockpile essentials for the next few months.

Hard to do when you have healthy individuals like @anon61878697 emptying the shelves in every supermarket in Cork.


You’d wonder why they don’t just shut schools, colleges, cancel sports and concerts, close cinemas for two weeks to try and put a firewall in place in terms of transmission

The uber neoliberal now suddenly cares about people around him :joy: - Ive a wife and baby to protect… I’m willing to die for them.

I’d say the short answer to that is money. How many business would shut their doors if they had to close for two weeks. How many people wouldn’t be able to pay the rent or mortgage without two weeks wages etc. It does seem inevitable it will happen at some stage though

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Because nobody, absolutely nobody wants to read the responses from @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy if the teachers get another few weeks off.


This could be a great time for the vending machine business mate.
A few dotted around Dublin full of rolls of toilet paper for a euro a go