The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Happy fucking Friday

I was in a GP’s in central Dublin today and Paddy’s is struggling to keep a lid on the racism. The black security guard let out 3 quick sneezes and people were shifting uncomfortably in their seats. An Asian chap came in with his toddler son and he coughed and the looks he got resulted in him picking his son up and moving out of the seating area.

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They are like that when a storm or snow is forecast. They predict absolute Armageddon, hope for it and then get sniffy when it does not happen.

There are lads on there literally seething about more people not dying yet and seem angry that the facts suggest it is people in their 80s with health conditions this is particularly dangerous for.

You have lads hoping for people to die and families to suffer to be proved right on the INTERNET.

I have faith in Dr Tony and his team. Dr Tony exudes an air of calmness

I’ve no real faith in Paddy to remember to wash his hands properly

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anyone else not in the slightest bit worried about this?


There but for the grace of God go I

The Brits have been clearing out their supermarkets of bog roll, rice and water. Haven’t really followed their news coverage over there but we don’t seem to have that level of panic amongst ourselves just yet but it’s hardly far off. Reckon sliced pan is first off the shelves.

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These byes happy enough I suppose…

You’d want your head examined not to have a months worth of supplies in the pantry.

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At least… The Chinese have been in lock down two months now… The Italians coming up on two weeks.

I’ve a dose of the shits after coming on tonight…am I fucked?

Shitting is fine. Once you’ve a fever get the other half to lock you in from outside.

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Be like 28 Day Later. Getting chased by lads like @Julio_Geordio down the street for a pack of fruit pastilles

That’s just the Durlacher.

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Can you lock, burn and bury the remains of this thread. It’s utter tedium. There are only so many smart alecy devil may care grey jokes that can be made about this virus, as was proven a couple of thousand posts back


No. I’m very worried about it.

Personal hygiene by region can clearly be extrapolated from this.

I think tbh, most of us are simply hoping for a shut down of the workplace for two weeks, and that it transpires to be a complete over reaction.