The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party = Ireland

Was in RCSI yesterday on a bit of business.

The poor fuckers with their exams moved forward 6/7 weeks. Youā€™d have some dunces elsewhere that couldnā€™t deal with an exam moved forward 6/7 hours

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How much notice were they given? Thatā€™s tough going. Thereā€™ll surely be a few extra than normal who wonā€™t pass, itā€™s not exactly a place you could mark an exam easier for the sake of getting them through like most universities.

Given a couple of days notice

Thatā€™ll definitely have a knock on for a few, caught with fees & accommodation for another year if you donā€™t pass

If they didnā€™t bring forward the exams and they had to be postponed theyā€™d have had no interns for the summer and the health system would have collapsed apparently

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We could have had chaos in the system otherwise. Lucky escape really

Chaos internationally in health sector as these wouldnā€™t just be doctors that would be working in Ireland but worldwide as well. It was the right move to take. The rest of their exams will run during the scheduled time.

Fair enough, I donā€™t know the ins & outs of it.

You may as well leave this thread if youā€™re going to have that attitude about it


Deary me

Still some balls for the students. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™ll have to go easy on the marking.

Any doctor graduating in 2020 will have to have an asterix beside their name


Iā€™d say itā€™s only a small part of the overall grade. Those poor cunts are always doing exams.

If I had exams moved like that Iā€™d be in bother.

It wouldnā€™t make any odds to me. Iā€™d only have started studying the day before anyway. One of the many reasons I wouldnā€™t have made a very good doctor :joy:

Few of these would be very highly strung individuals when it comes to study, this could do wreck to their mental health.

As well to weed them out so. Resilience will be the number one trait needed going forward.

Plagiarised from a doctor called Abdu Sharkawy.

Iā€™m a doctor and an Infectious Diseases Specialist. Iā€™ve been at this for more than 20 years seeing sick patients on a daily basis. I have worked in inner city hospitals and in the poorest slums of Africa. HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis,TB, SARS, Measles, Shingles, Whooping cough, Diphtheriaā€¦there is little I havenā€™t been exposed to in my profession. And with notable exception of SARS, very little has left me feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed or downright scared.

I am not scared of Covid-19. I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil. I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge. But I am not scared of Covid-19.

What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world. I am scared of the N95 masks that are stolen from hospitals and urgent care clinics where they are actually needed for front line healthcare providers and instead are being donned in airports, malls, and coffee lounges, perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others. I am scared that our hospitals will be overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they " probably donā€™t have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never knowā€¦" and those with heart failure, emphysema, pneumonia and strokes will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting rooms with only so many doctors and nurses to assess.

I am scared that travel restrictions will become so far reaching that weddings will be canceled, graduations missed and family reunions will not materialize. And well, even that big party called the Olympic Gamesā€¦that could be kyboshed too. Can you even

Iā€™m scared those same epidemic fears will limit trade, harm partnerships in multiple sectors, business and otherwise and ultimately culminate in a global recession.

But mostly, Iā€™m scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat. Instead of reason, rationality, openmindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested.

Covid-19 is nowhere near over. It will be coming to a city, a hospital, a friend, even a family member near you at some point. Expect it. Stop waiting to be surprised further. The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm when it arrives. But our own behaviors and ā€œfight for yourself above all elseā€ attitude could prove disastrous.

I implore you all. Temper fear with reason, panic with patience and uncertainty with education. We have an opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene and limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society. Letā€™s meet this challenge together in the best spirit of compassion for others, patience, and above all, an unfailing effort to seek truth, facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture, speculation and catastrophizing.

Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.
Our children will thank us for it.

#washurhands #geturflushot #respect #patiencenotpanic


Dungarvan Patrickā€™s Day Parade cancelled. Taking no chances in The Deise.

Did you wipe down the trolley or basket handles before you did the shop. I hope you did or youā€™ve brought Covid 19 into your bunker.

Test result: negative

Heā€™s still being told to stay away from work for two weeks :man_shrugging:t2: