The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

He can enjoy Cheltenham


Case in Kinvara and another told to isolate

Sign in @KinvarasPassion

Thread very quiet today, are the kids bored of their new toy already?

Thatā€™s the last that was seen of him


Itā€™s the weekend. Even the HSE have suspended their press conferences.

Italy have more than 1000 extra cases today.


Itā€™s how he would have wanted to go out


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Looks like a total balls was made of it there.

Not too bad.

UK is increasing but not at the level of the continent as well. We are probably just a few days behind though.


Wonder are ourselves and the Brits more likely to ā€œfollow rulesā€ than our continental cousins. I also think the Italian multi generational family togetherness socializing etc is causing this to rocket through Italy. In any country once it enters a household it seems to infect everybody

We may also just not be testing but one is positive.

If its correct its incredible given the rate of infection elsewhere once the first 10/15 cases were identified.

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Incredible that people cover their cough and sneeze? Good hygiene is simply the key.

Hand washing and taking it seriously is a big thing. It may be a blip but you would expect numbers to more than double every two or three days

Student from Caimins has come back positive, she was on school trip to Italy. Surely Shannon will be riddled soon as they all went back to class on return

Outside of Coppers weā€™re generally not a touchy feely culture either which could be helping.

Italians donā€™t believe in personal hygieneā€¦ Italian women generally have hairy armpits, gigantic bushes and hairy arseholesā€¦ The Germans not far behind, smelling their fingers after scratching their bollix.