The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Well they had a case a few weeks before the mass outbreak, so we could well just be lucky.

The only good thing is that medical knowledge and particularly public knowledge is way ahead everywhere than a month ago.

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Italians are very lazy and dirty people in general. A pile of them smell of BO.


Thank fuck nobody from Portmarnock is actually a member.

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Lucky women.


Good of the virus to take the weekend off


What the fuck have they been at in Italy…1200 cases in the space of 24 hours.

It’s clearly rampant with them catching the bad cases only. Bad news for here.

The Limerick GAA™ LITGG branded hand-sanitisers and glove-wearing turnstile attendants were a lovely touch at Limerick vs Waterford this evening.


The ones at the gate I went in were branded Pairc Na Gael.

So were the ones I saw. @PhattPike can’t read though

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Cheltenham will go ahead but a number of events thereafter are questionable in the coming months. Unless this stalls or rapidly becomes the norm I cant see how Aintree, US Masters, etc. can go ahead. I think Paddys Day is madness but the ‘economy’ depends on it so it’ll be pushed on with

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Life will go on unless the mortality rate hits exponential levels

This virus can live on an inert iron surface for over a week. Think of that next time you handle cash money.

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The Yanks will cancel nothing

@carryharry only holds onto notes, he fires the change into the ditch.

Twill be no harm when this is over. Washing my hands after every single piss is no way to live


It’s been toughest on the lads on the frontline

The Italian women I’ve slept with have been much cleaner than the irish women I’ve slept with. I remember my Italian lady-associate giving out to me one time because I wouldn’t wash each segment of a mandarin after I peeled it.

I think the real problem is just fucking grease. Greasy wops desperate to ride their cousins and covid 19 thrives in grease