The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Northern Italy is in lockdown. No one in or out.

Juve vs Inter (the derby of Italy cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) behind closed doors tonight

This is what’s ahead of us lads. Banning funerals is one way to beat it I guess

It will allow people to enter and exit the red zones for serious reasons, bans all public events and closes cinemas, theatres and gyms. Religious ceremonies such as funerals and weddings will be banned. Discos and pubs remain closed throughout the country. Anyone who violates the restriction on entering select provinces of northern Italy faces three months in jail.

In all the areas covered by the decree, including towns in the northern regions of Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont, schools will be closed at least until 3 April, as will museums, gyms and swimming pools. Leave is cancelled for all healthcare workers.

The decree includes using the armed forces for border control and access points such as train stations and motorway entrances and exits in the region.

So far the decree has been signed by the prime minister, but it will not be an official executive order until the council of ministers approves it. Further details on train and air service will be released in the coming hours.

Conte signed the decree In the early hours of Sunday, enacting forced quarantine for the region of Lombardy – home to more than 10 million people and the financial capital, Milan – and 14 other provinces, totalling around 16 million residents.

Thousands of people left Lombardy on Saturday night, before the decree was made official, crowding the motorways and train stations in the region, which will be locked down until 3 April.

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Thankfully this is fizzling out.

It will fizzle out once it has infected everyone and only then.

The messages from the government.

We need everyone to exercise caution to help us slow the spread of this virus.

It’s ok to hold mass gatherings such as St Patrick’s Day because it’s worth a lot of money to us.


Wow… BAM could sue over the children’s hospital, it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve held up a large scale public project via litigation.

No holy water at mass, no shaking hands and offering peace, no touching communion… However, the basket is still being passed around


It seems to me Italy has been by far the most responsible western country in dealing with this. The rest are sleepwalking into catastrophe, especially the US, where the ruling regime is actively engaged in a cover up. You couldn’t make up the shit going on over there.


This site is built on lads having and expressing opinions on matters they don’t know the ins and outs of

I sneezed 3 times there in quick succession. I must have the CoronaVirus.

1 like = 1 prayer for @Copper_pipe



New York supposedly declared state of Emergency. Florida the obvious one to keep an eye on I suppose, could be carnage with that demographic.

Trump made an absolute bollix of it…more worried about Wallstreet than humans…

If you aren’t quarantined by monday I’ll remove the like


Did some US politician try to make a joke out of it by wearing a big gas mask??

It’s a sense of humour will get us through this

Few lads here are proper fucked

I think he was saying that there’s nothing to see here, it’s all a load of nothing…one of his constituents died two days later.

The chap would have died whether or not the joke was told

Tory rags openly running with this narrative now. Hardly a surprise considering the Tories appointed a eugenicist as a senior adviser a few weeks ago.