The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Are you being serious here? … An elected official should be encouraging people to take all precautions they can, not to ignore them. That leads to more deaths.

The elected representative in question is one of the scummiest scumbags in the US.

Nobody would die at all if the right lads were in charge

Of course I’m not

OK. I just wasn’t sure…carry on.

Well it looks like their quarantine hasn’t even gone into place and flights are still coming in and out, with people getting out of there as quick as they can.

I’m not sure how you could call what they’ve done so far as a great success.

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Look, I haven’t touched my face in 2 weeks…do you know how hard it is to posture in the mirror without touching your face?

Who could have thought an atmosphere of sececy, suspicion and fear could contribute to the spread of a pandemic.

I have huge respect for your ability to posture

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CNN reporting there, stores charging 80 bucks for hand sanitizer in NY.

Who called it “a great success”?

Are you doing that thing that right-wing trolls who can’t argue in good faith always do - put words which were not said into the mouths of others?

The point is there are no mixed messages coming from the Italian authorities and they are up front that they have a crisis and are taking measures appropriate with the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile the moron in charge of the US won’t even admit they have a problem. That’s the exact sort of delusion that prevailed in the US in 1918.

A fitting metaphor for the world right now even down to the song. Balancing not dying versus not losing the loot.

Welcome to last week

That’s the “free market” working exactly as intended.

I chuckled at this


And you have no idea why.

Amy Molloy



Just back from mass and find it curious how you’re not allowed bless yourself with the holy water or offer the sign the peace but by god, you’re still allowed pass around the collection basket #coronavirus


Big news on the way from Cork on this.

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The constituent deliberately got the virus and died to make him look bad. It’s a Democrat conspiracy.