The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


That fella looks like heā€™s trying to push out a serious dump

What are you attempting to correct here, I said 2 - 3%, which is the range it was fluctuating between. I didnā€™t give an exact number.

No you didnā€™t. You said it was significantly below the 2-3 % range. The fact is that it is within it.

@TheUlteriorMotive @anon7035031

Latest figures from China

Infected: 23,895
Deaths: 493

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If true I am calling this as the worst has passed.

Aye but if you read it youā€™re fuckedā€¦ RIP tfk.

Hose 'em down

What kind of travel restrictions are on going in China?

Thereā€™s no better place in the World for a deadly virus to break out than China. Theyā€™ll do what it takes to get it sorted, not one fuck given about your human rights or whatever.

We need to disinfect a city, okay go and get the trucks from wherever you need them and get the drivers and tell them they are working tonight.

We need to build a hospital. Okay weā€™ll build it over there, get the diggers we start tomorrow.


Now if they might find their way to stop eating weird disease infected animals theyā€™d be away in a hack


Theyā€™ve built a wall around the city where the outbreak started

It would take us 5 years to do a feasibility study on the hospital, another 5 years to fight about its location


Itā€™s gone completely over your head, mate.

Thereā€™d be fellas out on the road protesting because some weird insect lives in those trees and the disinfectant is harming them. Theyā€™d take an injunction to the high court preventing the spraying and weā€™d all be dead by the time the judge actually got round to making a ruling


Five million left Wuhan before they starting the quarantine effort. Thatā€™s how it spread so quickly to other cities and provinces.

Hopefully. A few caveats though.

  1. Can you trust the data coming out of China. When their stock markets reopened Monday they dropped 10%. The acceleration in new cases stopped magically.

  2. Thereā€™s generally a second wave of infection with any outbreak of contagious disease. We still donā€™t have much confirmed information on how infectious it is, how itā€™s transmitted, how long it lives on surfaces, etc. so itā€™s hard to predict how bad a second wave could be.

In the meantime the lads in charge will have pissed the hospital money up against the wall

Yeah but depending on his mood Martin Nolan might give the disease a suspended sentence and weā€™d all have time to contract it.

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Thereā€™s a cruise ship docked in Japan I think with 10 confirmed cases and 3000 people on board. Another docked in Hong Kong with 1800 on board and a number of passengers displaying fever-esque symptoms.

Iā€™m calling fake news on that