The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I get that as well honestly, it’s just we’re in quite uncharted territory right now and need to be looking beyond one month. I don’t think we’re looking at a vaccine anytime soon.

Society at large will not tolerate months and months of quarantine.

They’ll suffer it up to the start of the GAA championship only

I was in Boyles in Cork earlier and some of the staff are wearing gloves.

4 more cases in NI today. All travel to Italy related.

On 20 February Italy had 3 official cases of coronavirus. 17 days later it killed 133 Italians in 24 hours. By comparison we have 23 odd cases 9 days after first case which seems decent but the exponential growth of these things is the concern.

If Irish numbers are correct it means it is doubling every three days so by Paddy’s Day we are looking at 168 cases. That trend needs to flatten so we delay time to double as much as possible to buy time


When was the first case in Ireland, 10 days ago?

9 days I think.

I’m still optimistic being an island, being not that populated, not having a mass underground public transport system etc will help us but at some point there is a critical mass and the dam bursts.

We need to delay that as long as possible. A national government until this is over would be a start as tough decisions are going to be needed soon


A male associated with the Bons is all they’re saying

That would be scare mongering.

Graph from Spanish flu shows how social distancing and cancelling events helps a lot

They also estimate that closing schools in Texas during swine flu reduced infections by up to 50 per cent

Lesson is that being fatalistic is silly and social distancing, hand hygiene and self isolation can have a dramatically positive effect.

Government needs to start running ads now to emphasise that this makes a difference and everybody has a role to play here

Was a patient there a while and was already in intensive care. Worrying as suggests it is in the hospital.

Members of staff from CUH do their private work in the Bons

Fucking Italians

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The numbers there are staggering… I don’t think they reacted quick enough or people took it seriously… Thankfully, we had a bit time in our favour.

Not to do a Kev on it, but they are amongst the most ignorant shower of individuals that I ever have had the misfortune to meet.

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Bons Caught

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Advising against non essential travel now I see.

It’s fizzled out

You’ll fizzle out eventually.

I thought the carry on around the foot mouth crisis was comical at the time but it abated.

My contacts in the medical game are fairly perturbed about this and are telling elderly relatives to stay in as much as possible.

It seems like we’re idling here while Rome is burning.