The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They waited until the Italian PM dropped the hammer. I’d imagine the pressure from Germany and France was immense but some quid pro quo promised, Italian budgets passed or something.

Vietnam and the measures they’ve taken is really worth looking at.

Experts are warming? They’re probably fucked already so

Go on…

Not too bad so far. 3 cancellations last week. If we get through this week it’ll be ok. We’ve a few lined up in cork over the next 2 weeks so they may be in danger. Either way, even getting to complete last week will mean we should be able to get through whatever happens from now on.


@the_man_himself Says bring it on, survival of the fittest and all that… I’m not sure he’ll be saying that at his parent’s graveside tho.

So you’re saying the hospital is not Bon Secure?

Now I know all the caveats about official figures and the methods and amount of testing etc from Asian countries but as of yesterday I think, they had 18 confirmed cases, 16 of which had already recovered and no deaths with about 100 people in strict isolated quarantine.
They closed the land border with China immediately and also shutdown flights from affected areas
This, in a country with a land border with China.
From what I’ve read, they learned from the experience with SARS and have kept a proactive public health operation.
They developed their own test kits with rapid result turnaround and have targeted comprehensive testing at the airports for certain people

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Hong Kong and Taiwan have kept the numbers infected down too but a lot of Hong Kong people claim it’s more down to the measures taken by citizens, learned from SARS than any action taken by the government.

Arrogant is the best word I find to describe Italians.

Expect us to follow

League of Ireland soccer matches should be ok so.


Bloody snowflakes

Saudi’s taking it seriously - they have 11 confirmed cases.

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This direct from my man in Hanoi

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The tarring and feathering could be very useful

They get their temp checked every time they go into their Apt buildings by the security guard. If its too high they call the men in white coats and taken away

The Italians disregard of rules may cost them

The North Koreans are shooting anyone suspected of having the virus.