The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There seems to be a right arrogant/macho attitude to it from my UK work colleagues. We’ve had a travel ban put in place in terms of air travel but I know some are just laughing at it and carrying on as is

Is this a fucking joke 5 bottles of hand sanitizer . It just shows ya the horsey crowd really dont really give a flying fuck about anyone . And a reported case in Cheltenham today . You couldn’t make this shit up .

Yes, but this is a pandemic that could be slowed down with a little social conscience. Unessecary deaths shouldn’t be allowed because people want to watch horse racing or football.

People shouldn’t die because of greed

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If you’d actually read the post you’d know that it was very much focussed on the important stuff, which is why it said that sporting events should be cancelled. Reading or debating in any sort of good faith has always seemed well beyond you though.

Collapsing the world’s economy has huge consequences. It could lead to more deaths.

The economy will contract anyway because of this. Businesses will go to the wall. I’d hope there could be some sort of freeze on payments of mortgages etc for these people but don’t see how that would work practically. And I am one of those people.
But this is not a mild flu for very many of the people who contract it. Thats ‘I’ll be alright Jack’ talk. I hope I’m wrong but I think Ireland will be devastated by this. While I’m mindful of the fact that people will lose money, many people will lose their lives. That has to trump financial concerns in my opinion.


I hope your business works out pal.

This is a global pandemic. People can survive without money. We need to be protective of the weaker members of society.

This is a litmus test for the people of earth

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That’s Bolox. With your idea there’ll be no money in the atms. Society would collapse and people would go completely crazy. It’s just bad flu.

All the money been past around then . One infected note could change 100 hands. There will be colossal deaths from this festival and heads will roll .

Its the complete opposite of Im alright Jack, if small business’s go to the wall how do you propose they pay their staff so they don’t get turfed out of their rented accomodation?

No mate. If nothing is done, the health services will crumble, older generations will be wiped out and society will crumble anyway. If we press pause for a small while, theres at least some chance of recovery

Calm down lads, it’ll be grand.


That’s what Nero said as Rome burned

Look after elderly relatives, parents etc, worst thing to do mate is panic.


Everybody hopes you’re right but the evidence we have so far shows you’re very wrong.

And the window for dealing with it in this country is rapidly shutting.

The thing we should fear most of all is lack of fear. Fear doesn’t mean panic. Fear is a defence mechanism. If society has no defence mechanism, it has no defences.

We’re in unchartered territory granted, but society cant shut down. We’re not like our hunter gatherer ancestors.

Unfortunately, once again when we need leadership our politicians are nowhere to be seen.

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Fear is the reason the likes of Trump ascend to power

The assertion that it’s just a bad flu is just that. It’s a bad flu for younger folk. It’s a death sentence for some. These are times unlike anything most of us have ever experienced. It’ll be the inability of people to access healthcare that will kill many that could be saved.
Your pressing concern is your business and the people who work with you i presume. Thats understandable. Businesses will be left open for the most part I’d imagine apart from a short period of full quarantine. It won’t matter. Many will go to the wall because the amount of punters coming in will drop.
As to your question, a government bridging loan scheme funded by the european central bank through quantative easing might be a good place to start.

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This virus has been a Godsend for Irish politicians, their non efforts to form a government has not been newsworthy and they are lapping it up

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