The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

How can you look after someone and you donā€™t know it you have the cunting thing or not.

Not so sure. They will be first in the firing line when this spreads. There will be a lot of anger.

If they freeze all rates rent and revenue we will know then the Govt are taking it serious, until then people wildly panicing is just that and it serves no purpose than the usual screaming Mary bullshite

Lads ye almost have me contemplating not going.

It seems the death rate for younger people from Coronavirus is higher than for all people from the flu. 0.2% for 20-40 year olds apparently. A lot of people die from ordinary flu.

Look, weā€™ve known since wuhan it was coming here. There was an opportunity to be proactive and introduce measures. That opportunity has passed. We are now reactive. We are reacting to an event we have no control over. We are reacting because people are fundamentally selfish and inherently greedy. Thatā€™s what will kill us.


I went home home on the way back from Kerry there and my mother is absolutely furious with me.

Ordinary flu is hundreds of strains all measured as one. This is one strain.

This is extinction level numbers

The Irish always react.

If theyā€™re elderly, they presumably can isolate and get food etc delivered.

If there are underlying issues, they just need to be kept indoors I reckon, until we know where we are in two weeks time.

Itā€™s not extinction level numbers or anywhere near it but if it hits humanity on the same scale as Spanish flu weā€™re looking at at least 26 million deaths worldwide from it and possibly a lot more.

If its seasonal and or mutates then we are fucked

Thereā€™s no comparison between spanish flu and the coronavirus. Thatā€™s bollocks.

Those bat eating bastards should be nuked.

I disagree. I cannot think of any other situation where at least 150 medical staff from our health service have not only been told not to come to work but also to completely self isolate. Its just never happened I donā€™t think. But itā€™s happening now. Our health service is permanently creaking and is now about to be hit by a Tsunami of cases requiring urgent treatment. Thats from the people who know what this is and how serious it is. If you can think of any situation this has happened in in our lifetime Iā€™d like to hear it.

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2010 Limerick senior hurlers strike was similar.

Exactly. When the experts are panicking, itā€™s time to fucking do something.

The fact people are going about as if this is a laugh is fucking terrifying

weā€™ll have a vaccine by October.

Hold tough lads. Wank into a sock if you must but hold tough, weā€™ll survive.

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If it behaves like Spanish flu it will come in waves and subsequent ones could be even more virulent. Spanish flu eventually petered out for reasons we donā€™t quite fully understand. The hope is that something similar might happen with this. I believe there is a thing called herd immunity.

There was a long read article on the Guardian yesterday about how well intentioned research by scientists could be very dangerous because the labs this sort of research is done in are not secure enough - and thatā€™s without mentioning anybody who might have malign intent.

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It was replicated months ago and there is still no vaccine. That is bad