The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Thereā€™s fuck all can be doneā€¦ Good hygiene, avoid crowds, wank in to a sock. Get your groceries delivered. Post on tfk.


You donā€™t know if you have flu-type symptoms or not?

They are extremely comparable. Spanish flu had a death rate of 2-3%. The same lack of seriousness, the same misinformation from people in authority exacerbated the situation then. And our world now is infinitely more interconnected than a century ago.

There is a folk memory of Spanish flu in my family. It went isolated down country lanes and infected them. My granny had to be the woman of the house at six years of age while the rest of them lay there sick.


And what happens when I run out of socks? Did you ever think of that?

For at least a while as it incubates. You can carry without symptoms

Its thick cunts like you will kill us

What is with this place and wanking into socks

Other than the fact itā€™s a differnet virus, itā€™s quite similar actually. Itā€™s a respiratory disease, is highly contagious and has a mortality rate of somewhere around 2.3% as far as we know. Spanish flu infected a third of the humans on the planet by the time it fizzled out, the second wave in late 2018 was far worse than the first. It killed somewhere between 30 and 50 million, or possibly more. There are lots of other factors as well though like limited health care back then and fuck all antibiotics around, most died of secondary bacterial infections.

The only hope realistically to avoid a lot of deaths is a vaccine, but thatā€™s months away at best.

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Germany has had over 1000 cases and no deaths as of yet. That will probably change in the coming days but that seems like a massive outlier

Viruses mutate all the time, the hope is a much more virulent version doesnā€™t appear as happened with the Spanish flu. Itā€™s also likely that this is a new disease which will be seasonal as itā€™s so contagioius, unlike SARS for example.

Viruses ā€œfizzle outā€ because they either kill people or people recover and develop immunity.

Youā€™re either wilfully missing the point or casually sidestepping the issue I raised, namely how do you expect business to shut down without a freeze on rents, rates and revenue? The knock on affect of businessesā€™s going into shutdown without this will be way worse than anything the corona virus will create. And if you do,for example, cancel revenue how will the frontline staff in our health services be paid exactly?


It would create paranoia youā€™d have fellas looting shops at night and create massive miss trust amongst societies.

Would be like a scene from the purge, hell on earth

It wonā€™t be me, itā€™ll be the virus. You getting passionate again wonā€™t change that much .

Im not. You must have missed the bit where I suggested a government scheme of bridging loans made available by the european central bank through quantative easing. Your rates freeze idea is also one Iā€™d hope was explored.

Exactly, we have no control over this one, first strain and it seems virulent enough. If it mutates and becomes more lethal, and we cant vaccinate, guess what, weā€™re fucked.

We arenā€™t even trying to stop it

At least be aware of how it can be passed on, you pig ignorant fucker

People need to stop worrying about their bank accounts for 12 months, we need good old fashioned human compassion to ride this one out

Youā€™re a top poster but youā€™re not taking all the negative consequences into this imho

The negative consequence is people are dying and other people are worried about their bottom line. Get passed money. Worry about your life

This could wipe out the homeless people .