The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There is a very delicate balance to be struck here between public health measures and staving off economic collapse which exacerbates the public health problem and nobody knows if that balance is achievable. It may not be, the indications are that it probably won’t be. The point is that swift, draconian action early on internatioon a co-ordinated international level might have had some chance of preventing the public health problem getting so bad that economic collapse was avoidable in the longer term but that may not be possible now and without draconian action now a severe economic crash is likely anyway.

More hysteria. You’re very wound-up, lashing out at me won’t save anyone

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The complete opposite more likely

What would be your suggestions to deal with the coronavirus policy wise? Genuinely interested

The important thing is to let the experts decide what’s best and not listen to people who are determined to create hysteria.

I’m very focused on this virus at the moment. I’ve a business that will be affected, hopefully not too badly, but it definitely will be affected. We’ve already lost bookings and are considering cancelling a summer project we have run for the last few years. I’ve also got a relative who is over 70, with an underlying condition who is currently in Beaumont. I’m getting a fairly clear view of most of the negative effects of this I think.


Shut down unnecessary travel, close schools and universities. Cancel sporting events. Shut down mass gatherings of any type until such point the virus is in regression.

I’ve been unable to work for the last few weeks as my job entails a lot of travel and companies simply aren’t booking me, they’ve frozen budgets and are just not looking for consultants. I’m ok with that.

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I’m with you in the business side, there won’t be a poster whoever posted on here who didn’t have someone elderly in their lives, often ailing ones.

Fear will still cause more damage than it will ever fix


Lack of fear will cause the most damage. The I’m alright jack, machismo bullshit.

The horse has long bolted. The only hope we had was if China acted earler and locked down Wuhan. There’s no more chance of stopping it now than stopping a seasonal flu. We can slow it down though as you say by imposing strict travel bans and bans on mass gatherings. Most countries were far too relaxed about it though, if travel restrictions were put in place earlier at least it would have bought some time to plan and implement ramping up health care facilities, etc. As it is many countries are just going to be overwhelmed.

If China had called in the WHO or the US CDC in December out of fear, this could have been contained at source.

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Proactive versus reactive. There was ample warning.


US & Europe - Buckle up for a fun day.

@Fitzy, presumable this will result in a huge hit for super? I’m having a look around AusSuper for daily/weekly growth %s. More as I get it…

You’re probably joking I know but just to put your mind at rest. The virus can’t transfer like that

It’ll wipe out a lot of the growth we got from 2019, but unless you’re retiring in the next year I wouldn’t be too worried.

The office is my sanctuary for the foreseeable future.

On top of all this upheaval, the Saudis have turned on the oil taps. Putin is going scorched earth on the US oil industry. He may end up getting scorched badly himself. The political consequences of all this are unknowable but could be massive. It could end up with the overthrowing of dicators and despots. But it could end up in the end of democracy in the west as we know it. This is going to be a seismic world event in a lot of different ways.

Anyone know of a good mouse mover application to ensure I show as available on teams/skype :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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