The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The trick is to show as “busy” or book and accept phantom meetings so you are unavailable!


I’m genuinely hoping it’s cancelled, and only partially out of laziness. It’ll make life much easier for me at work certainly. But also, I am starting to get a bit concerned that I’m heading to arguably the busiest, most crowded building in the country every day to mix with people from all over the world, some of some are Chinese.

Don’t know about teams, but you can set yourself to active on skype and change the time limits until you are switched to inactive etc

Don’t be too active or they’ll get suspicious

The Chinese have it under control now, I’d be the least worried about them fellas. It’s the Italians that have been coughing and spluttering all over you for the last 4 weeks that I’d be worried about.

Set yourself to “Busy” or “Do Not Disturb” and fellas will know you are hard at it.

Ah I don’t want to take the piss either. Make it some bit believable anyway.

You need a sideline that involves working at same laptop

I’ve managed to avoid seeing the parents on the pretence of not giving them this flu. Just need to wangle some similar set up with the missus and I’m sorted

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I’m told our canteen in work has moved to disposable plates and cutlery. We used have a buffet type set up where you’d help yourself but now you must tell the chefs what you want and they’d get it.

Serious bizness.

The more serious we take this the less serious it will be. This video gives a good explanation of how moving the dial on new cases each day slightly down makes a big difference



Can we read anything into our sporadic reporting of cases so far - up one day and down the next? I suppose we have to take periods of days together - we are up 21 or 33 cases since Saturday of last week.

FG want all the sick and elderly to die. Why are people surprised that there are minimal efforts to contain this.

If all the old people are dead who’ll vote for FG?

Its a win win really

simon harris on the wireless this morning

“So I’ve been Minister for Health for nearly four years and I’ve learned a lot in that time. And what I’ve learned mostly is that if you listen to your public health advice and public health experts, you won’t usually go far wrong.”

jesus wept


It’ll be terrible if local fantasists and attention seekers don’t get their annual opportunity to be pulled through town on a trailer pretending to be Leo Varadkar with a hand painted sign around their neck.