The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Be a sad day if I don’t get to eat a green 99 on the 17th

This is the issue. It’s like the storm warnings.
People will complain the warnings were a waste of time because no one died.

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Is there not 2 strains of this corona virus?

One with lemon and one with lime

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Drinks lots of water and you’ll be fine.

Hope you are looking after your gut mate

Its already been agreed to cancel it.

SF are gonna sell a few houses to help the exchequer cover the shortfall.

Comparison between seasonal flue and Covid 19 by World Health Organisation

Stop over reacting you blouse.


So in Poland right now we have 16 confirmed cases one in Krakow, 168 in hospital, 4000 in quarantine and 7000 under observation, whatever that means. 1154 tests made.

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First case confirmed on Lesbos, which is where they are keeping all the refugees packed together in camps. God help them if that spreads. They’ve no access to basic facilities as it is.

Which one of those cunts was in Northern Italy on a ski holiday over the midterm?

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How come 16 confirmed cases but 168 in hospital?

Stop pretend moderating you controlling cunt

I’d say 16 cases today or over the weekend.

Apparently the guards have been instructed to stop breathalysing people. I wonder does this mean they could ban the sale of alcohol.

That seems a lot given the relatively low number of cases.

Still, probably best off to deal with it like that.

You tell me.

It’s an aggressive form of flu not a flesh eating virus ffs if this was 25 years ago we wouldn’t have anywhere near this mass hysteria, apes.