The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

A lot of people have been self quarantined through corporates.

The virus itself isnt just the issue - granted you’re right about the hysteria … but what happens when half the country has it and our hospitals break down completely? - Think of all the regular illnesses that will be brushed aside or untreated … it could see a complete breakdown of public health services across the world. We could also be looking at 10-40k deaths from it.

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I was like that before but it is spreading like wildfire and 133 people died in Italy yesterday from it!!

My Mam is in her early 70’s, got a bad dose of pneumonia two years ago and picks up chest infections every couple of weeks since. Plus my auntie is 93.

I am very worried I must say.


Lookit in the cold hard light of day it’s natural selection(Chinese engineering) at it’s best. You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.

Hows he right about the hysteria? People are still going around as if this is a nothing outbreak. Travelling here there and everywhere, going to big events, infecting everyone.

Let’s hope you or none of your loved ones get naturally selected

The number of tests seems low for the population size. Ireland has tested over 1,000 afaik and is obviously a lot smaller. The UK have tested 13k.

It’s life mate, people die none more so than the old and weak.

Ah stop now … 10k deaths between now and July/August would be tragic… you’re also missing the point about hospitals breaking down … they’re at tipping point as it is. What happens all the other health related cases that crop up? Told to go home and suck it up?

Can someone get me an age profile for the reported deaths from this.

You’re still missing the point you bollix of a man.

You’re a sick cunt. The old and weak weren’t always old and weak. My grandparents have lived through more hardship than you’ll ever have to face. They don’t deserve to be wiped out by a preventable illness


We’ll have no facts or logic here thank you very much. Bring your hysteria and panic or jog on

The Funeral Etiquette thread will be hopping

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Of course you are the only one with a grandparent, always about you.

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It’s always about justifying the deaths of people who aren’t you with you. You’re a dangerous fucker

And you are a total fanny so aint we both content.

Interesting. I wonder how many people are just avoiding A&E.


Compassion and fear aren’t weakness.

Your macho man routine is very transparent, on the other hand.

You still havent addressed the point … How to we tackle the break down of our medical centres when this happens? It will be chaos.