The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Have you given up the job due to this? Iā€™m not trolling either just curious.

I wonder how many people that are in A&E on a daily basis actually donā€™t need to be there at all. A reasonable number Iā€™d guess


Iā€™ve stopped travelling. Iā€™m tidying up a few contracts that I can do from home, but yeah Iā€™m at a crawl

Ya, thatā€™s the only logical conclusion you could jump to :joy:


How do you fix a broken society if everybody stayed in their houses for a few weeks? Would there be water in Taps? Would there be food for people? Presumably thereā€™d be no shops open so no food either.

Isnā€™t that part of whatā€™s wrong with our system? You canā€™t access the specialist service you might need unless you get admitted through A&E


You overreact to literally everything, you lack composure, poise and reasoning in the most basic of situations. Fear is the greatest weakness of all ffs.

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Far too many. Hospitals in general are full off people that donā€™t need to be in there.

You poor, stupid bastard

Truth hurts.


Lots of elderly people could be treated at home or at nursing homes tbh. That will take changes in work practices and improvements in nursing homes though.

The medical card abusers are harder to be quantified.

Your logical and rational reaction to everything isnā€™t even in the remotest way logical or rational. You basically said sure let all the old and weak die, we be grand.

Thatā€™s a symptomatic response of an adolescent whoā€™s never grown up. You have zero compassion for anyone. Iā€™d say youā€™re desperately lonely

I wonder as you are being pinched in your pocket here is this a little more serious for you than other people. Is this reflected on your posts on here too I wonder? You donā€™t seem to be the most reasonable person here chatting about it. The cat is out of the bag. Once temps go up wonā€™t it slow it down really quick?

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Iā€™ll not take reaction advice from you pal. I might be dramatic but youā€™re an oscar winner

Well Iā€™m relatively calm on this but itā€™s different for you. Itā€™s costing you money.

What does deep cleaned mean? And who carries it out?

If anything, people arenā€™t taking this seriously enough. Premier League Soccer Games, Rugby, Cheltenham, Paddyā€™s day etc. going ahead and thatā€™s just on these two islands.
NBA etc went ahead in the States where it seems to be very widespread but deliberately under reported.

Whatā€™s really telling for me is the way Health officials are speaking. These arenā€™t social media, wonā€™t somebody think of the children types, these are hard nosed fact based, analytically minded people. The type of people who compile evidence before advancing an opinion. Scientists basically. Normally they are on the radio telling everyone to calm the fuck down. This time they are saying shits about the hit the fan and thereā€™s very little we can do. They have looked at the evidence and are terrified.

I was the same at the start of this, much ado about nothing, but when I heard that Prof McConkey chap on the radio matter of factly telling us we are all fucked, and this long before we ever had a case, it changed my mind.

You cannot dismiss out of hand, the stream of experts whoā€™ve said this is very bad, and we need to act accordingly. A quote from him below;

ā€˜I think many people really need to get the message, listen to Tony Holohan and realise whatā€™s happened now is really a once in a century event,ā€™ he added.

ā€˜Itā€™s going to be ā€¦ I believe as big an impact as the Civil War 100 years ago so this is a very significant and very big incident thatā€™s happening.


KPMG has fallen.

There was a time that would have taken down TFK.

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Are they not using private hospitals as overflows as well though?

There were supposed to be patients in the corridors of the Beacon over the weekend which is unheard of. Are they trying to keep the public hospitals free in case an influx start arriving and need to be dealt with.