The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I cant understand the people who still havenā€™t grasped it yet.

This isnā€™t a social media induced hysteria.

There are incredibly well educated people saying to worry and social media has gone the other way, ah sure weā€™ll be grand

I see more panic on social media than anything else tbh.

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Hysteria even.

Thats the thing about Social Media, it is tailored differently for everyone. You couldnt be reading anything into it really.

Ah give over ā€¦ The sad truth is old people do die from these viral illnesses ā€¦ this will potentially see a higher amount that normal, it will be very tragic but itā€™s nearly inevitable now. We close the doors and shut down society for a few weeks from today and we will cause a whole load of other problems, bit of a catch 22ā€¦ But We are gonna peak at some stage, hospitals and health workers will be totally over run and genuine sick people will be suffering at home.

The HSE and the government need to be setting up alternative care sites right now and be ready for when the shit hits the fanā€¦

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The leaders of the political parties have gone to ground amid this health crisis.

Martin & Varadkar havenā€™t opened their mouth about this. At least Mary Lou has been out saying the St Patrickā€™s Day parade should be cancelled.

That prick Harris has been invisible bar cancelling the Italy rugby match when he couldnā€™t jump in front of a camera fast enough.


Iā€™ve seen both sides. Iā€™ve seen a lot of this ā€œnatural selectionā€ bullshit where insecure people are looking to justify their selfishness and the deaths of others

They donā€™t have testing capability. A person I know came back from Thailand at the end of January, asked to have a test and the response was huh? There has to be a number of positive cases given the number of people who were in Italy skiing and the fact that it is only ten hours away by car.

That and GPs are so terrified of being sued they admit everyone to hospital just to be sure

They should have done it months ago when Wuhan broke.

The horse has bolted now ā€” they need to be planning on the basis that 1.9m will contract it.

Go for a walk and calm down. Better still, step away from the keyboard. Self vaccinate yourself and do us all a favour.

Israel is contemplating basically closing all borders.

All travellers to be quarantined for 14 on arrival regardless of where they came from. Theyā€™ve already got it in place for a number of countries, but they are afraid to add the US to the list individually, so they are just going to do a blanket ban

Itā€™s you that has a problem with what youā€™re reading. If you donā€™t like it, then you fuck off.

The people freaking out and panicing are part of the problem not the solution, theyā€™d want to cop themselves on

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Fake news. Heā€™s been quoted almost every day in the last week.


The people projecting their panic on to me is worrying.

Iā€™ve only asked for a reasonable response, temporary travel restrictions, temporary stalling of mass gatherings, temporary schools closures.

Thatā€™s a reasoned response in the face of a pandemic

Doing nothing and expecting a good result is not reasoned

As for the benefits of medical advice from a fella who didnā€™t finish his DIT journalism courseā€¦ :thinking:

Thereā€™s people landing every day to London and Dublin from Milan with no additional checks being done. Thatā€™s just plain cray cray

Arlene foster says they are staying at whatever stage they are already at.
