The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Iā€™m interested to know why RTƉ thought it appropriate to have on if she isnā€™t qualified to talk about it?

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Iā€™m sure there were people like her in Italy who were labelled a scaremonger for predicting the chaos that would ensue. At least the ā€œah shure itā€™ll be grandā€ approach has never let us down before.

Irelandā€™s reaction to this is not too dissimilar to Irish peopleā€™s reactions to fire alarms.

Umā€¦Nay! Surely thereā€™s some shitbox island they can be abandoned on. Rockall or Australia or some such.

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Walsh Island it is.


Thatā€™s really more of an archipelago.


Tipp hurlers going away this week too are they @carryharry? They might have to be quarantined on return for the first few rounds of munster

Dā€™Island it is so.

The Italian case was very different tho ā€” high amount of Chinese population, high tourism season ā€¦and lax attitude for sure at the start. They simply werent prepared as a society ā€¦ weā€™ve been on high alert for a while now and we dont have the same cocktail on ingredientsā€¦ As TB said, thereā€™s a fine balance to calling a full lock down- it has to be done right or you create a whole pile of other problems that might take years to fix.

we have to all take responsibility here and stay in doors as much as possible. Follow protocols when outdoors and just try our best to slow it down.


Lads, are there any old folks near you living on their own? it might be no harm to call in and swap numbers - if the shit hits the fan a lot of these people wont be going outside the doorā€¦ you might be able to drop a few essentials to their door step when the time comes etc.


Iā€™d agree but this doesnā€™t need to be an all at once solution. There seems to be a bit of a cluster area in North Clare / South Galwayā€¦ in my opinion schools and non essential activities in these areas need to be wound down sooner rather than later. Where do you draw the line I supposeā€¦

2 schools closed in Armagh this morning ā€¦ I think that should be a no brainer really.

ALONE is an excellent charity as well.

Services like that could be under big pressure, ā€¦ bit of neigbourly love could make a difference .

Yep, but they have a lot of the key info on this available.

Just knock on the door and say to them that you just want to check that their electricity is working and then gain access.


Sounds like heā€™s going to rob them. They do say people go back to their old ways during times of crisis.