The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


You never know what people can be capable of when the chips are down.

Well they mentioned last night that clusters would be when they start to move to the next phase - I suppose theyā€™re keeping a close eye on the current cases and whether there are multiple knock-on cases from them

Iā€™d say itā€™s a fairly inexact science with a lot of unpalatable trade-offs.

What day of the COVID-19 Virus are we on btw?

The approach has been too reactive. Northern Italy was the source of the outbreak in Europe. Travel restrictions should have been brought in weeks ago. Instead they tell us to wash our hands.

A stain on horse racing that will never go away.

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Will you wash your hands?

Ah thats grand so.

Itā€™s a playbook. People would just ignore restrictions if brought in too quickly.

Hey! Thatā€™s not the virus inspector!

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@anon61878697 is a sick bastard. Compiling a hit list of old people in the area so as soon as law and order breaks down heā€™ll be straight in robbing their supplies

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Tim has just put me onto ALONE - I never thought to info and addresses from them.

Like a burglars yellow pages

Call in and spread your germs?! Will you ever fuck off

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I heard a story yesterday of a country relation of the missus arriving in Dublin for the first time to do teaching practice a few years ago.

He was mugged on his first day in the Big Smoke.

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Do you currently have the virus? You donā€™t have to spit all over them to exchange phone numbersā€¦ I know most of you rural lads talk through your teeth and spray a bit, but keep to 2 meters and you should be OK.

Knowing Paddy likes to token wash and that door handles were likely filthy meant I was one of the few pre-outbreak users of the hand sanitisers.

Iā€™m self isolating from old people. I care. Big shame you townies prefer pretending to give a shit about old people once in a blue moon rather than actually helping the situation

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Some might but most wouldnā€™t.