The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Reports saying that all schools are to close for a month/5 weeks.

You could, of course, simoly be infecting them.

Where did you see that? Work place would probably follow suit.

Poland have banned mass gatherings this morning.

I have received WhatsApp messages from a few different sources. Could be bullshit.

I doubt they will shut down work places. They havenā€™t even done that in Italy.

Right now, I dont think so mateā€¦ iā€™m only on about knocking on a door of an alone pensioner ā€“ the way you lads are reacting youā€™d swear I suggested pinning them down and spitting all over them before walking off with their tvā€¦ thereā€™s a chap down the road from me whose memory isnt great - his son lives out of county ā€” I have a key to his place just in case he gets locked out like he did once. It must be awful to be alone without all this virus chatter adding to itā€¦ Landing a bit of milk on the door or some bog roll is just being neighbourly.

Case confirmed in Apple Cork!!!

Nice knowing you

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Any other fruit affected?


I need to get out of Cork :cold_sweat:

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Germany health service is 4 times more efficient ??

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I have to say I was impressed with the government yesterday. Very comprehensive package when you consider the big child in the US.

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Fuck away from the midlands you infected cunt.

I think they had this money earmarked for businesses and specific sectors of Irish economy like agriculture in the event of a hard Brexit.

You are on quip over drive lately

The governments excellent handling of this crisis so far (apart from allow those apes go to that field in England to watch horsey horse) has been exemplary. Thank God we didnt have a rookie Govt in place at this time.


Something fishy about those stats alright.

I think the government are hoping that it wonā€™t all be needed.

They are trying to create confidence that infected people donā€™t have to work which will bring down infections overall.

It was strong statement and it was needed.