The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

At least I’d say.

I think we are lucky that we have a Medical Doctor as Taoiseach at the moment.

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:joy: :joy:

The woman revealed how the family has prepared for self-isolation: “We stocked up on food last weekend, pasta and tinned vegetables and the likes. The freezer is full of food too. We were horsing into it last week but then we decided we had to slow down.


“The HSE are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.”


Is there an argument to be made for saving some bullets for a second wave? @tallback

And this is who the government are listening to … we’re fucked.

Chawk-lit tea pot cc @gilgamboa

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So much for ‘an apple a day keeping the doctor away’!


We are not at the point where shutting down the country, schools etc. makes sense yet, but we are getting there.

UK expects cases to peak in the next fortnight yet Cheltenham & soccer etc still going ahead.
That will go down as a historic folly IMO.


All this hooplah ever a wee cold, Christ almighty

Johnson was on tv saying there’s a mindset that suggests letting the virus just run its course

edgy …

Fucking hell

Have you shot all your neighbours yet? Better safe than sorry

Confirmed case in Moyvane.

It needed to happen when the first community transmission happened imo

Who’s in your van?

When they ban mass we’ll know they are serious.

I wouldnt be adverse to every Irish person in Cheltenham dying over there.