The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Cheltenhams can do attitude is a beacon of light in these troubled times. This is a great day to be Irish

Looks like it’s about to really lift off now — We’ll be hitting double where we are in the next few days.

Any link to that news?

We’re going to be Italy.

There have been zero measures taken bar being told to wash your hands and cough into your elbow


No, we’ll still be Ireland bro.

What measures do you realistically want?

To be fair to the Government we cannot shut down the country too early, once done, it’ll be in for at least two or three weeks, possibly longer.

And we let a hape of yahoos off to a horse race.

Fuck sake.


They are going to have to shut down anyway. Better to do it early and contain rather than wait until the tipping point.

At the very least, until now there should have been travel restrictions

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Is the Moyvane case not a fella looking to get out of court appearance?

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The approach is far too reactionary. Still, at least they get to call people “populist”.

We’re not Italy. We don’t hug and kiss. I haven’t had a hug or kiss in years.


That was some other fella from Cahersciveen.

And we smoke a lot less

You can’t catch it from nodding at fellas?

For how long would you suggest they shut it down? Weeks? Months? When would you, in your considered professional opinion, be happy for it to be reopened?

In a shutdown country - how are all the issues addressed caused by the shutdown?

Are you advocating all flights and ferries be unilaterally stopped in and out of Ireland?

When could you reopen - when the world was free from the virus or before?

You’re a magic money tree simple solutions type really aren’t you …


You’re exactly the sort that if the government shut everything down would be on whatever platform moaning (and boring the head off your nearest and dearest) saying that they’ve over-reacted …

as long as it takes.
take some of that package they’ve given for the virus and provide people with essentials
not unilateral but severely limited travel is required. only absolutely necessary travel

it’s going to happen anyway mate, except when it does now, they’ll have to deal with a stopped health system on top of it

Go easy on him, this mild cold induces stong hysteria in some it would appear

We should use the 13bn to pay for this.


“As long as it takes” - at that point, the impact from the shutdown would vastly outweigh the impact of the virus, as bad as that would be.