The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

It has to be a piss take :smiley:

Sorry, I forgot to say he’d pass Thomond Park as well.

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Picked the worst fecking hospital in the world to send a fella for quarantine

Stay below in Cark @anon61878697.

I live within a mile of the hospital. #prayforccha

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Torch the place quick

Herself is in the medical game, she says it’s guaranteed that this virus is going to hit us.


The level of stupidity this thing is bringing out is remarkable. One of my teachers has decided to return to England for a fortnight due to the ‘rapid’ spread of the virus. :laughing:

No worries mate. Get some notes off the smart kids and I’m sure it won’t affect your marks.


Chinese officials confirm the Wuhan virus is airbourne and can spread via aerosol like the common cold.

Official numbers from China are 40,171 infected, 908 dead.

Is that a big upsurge in numbers? I haven’t been following but a two percent kill rate doesn’t sound great.

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There’s been another surge in reported infections and deaths in the last 24 hours. The number of cities under lock down continues to rise, there are reports that the lock down has been extended to Beijing.

Ok, it’s a Taiwan source, but still.

They’re all going back to work today after the holiday break.

Would many people have a can of this stuff?


:laughing: Christ almighty.

It’s only slightly worse than Diarmuid Byrnes’ strike rate.


Infection rates and deaths have slowed again, 42,638 infected and 1016 deaths in China, an extra 106 deaths overnight.

In unrelated news, the two highest ranking health officials in Hubei province have been fired, and replaced by a Central Communist Party committee member. Nothing to see here.

There are several aspects of the reported numbers that don’t add up. The most significant is the number of new cases reported seems to have become stuck around 3,000 per day. I’m sure this is unrelated to the fact that Chinese authorities have stopped reporting those who test positive for the virus but have yet to exhibit symptoms.