The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Dela will still sneak into it.

Schools to close from next Wednesday @farmerinthecity

They’ll be ateing each other before The weeks out

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I’m not sure it will get that bad here. The horse has bolted over there. If they did that over here they’d just fillet you another way in time through charges and fees. They are already introducing charges for contactless payments to help recoup some losses from tracker mortgage scandal.

Some schools are off Monday to Wednesday of next week anyway

Yeah they are calling it from next Wednesday

Hopefully this means no tv cameras allowed in too


It would be beautiful if the odious cunt caught a particularly bad dose that killed him.

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I’d say the confirmation which is due to take place in the parish of D/B next Thursday 19th will be called off.

Send the fucker over to the halting site across the road first

He was a banker to get it with a name like that

Seems like the government is dealing with this fairly well and we’re doing well to have as few cases as we do considering the rapid growth in other countries

FG have done a great job so far. The financial package announced yesterday was fantastic governing.


Anyone on here have basic medical/nursing training? or wives that have? If shit goes tits up any one with nursing training could be called on … two of my sister in laws were trained nurses but went down different roads — they could find themselves getting called up for duty.

My folks are in their 80s and retired nurses. The aul lad was particularly nervous when I called over last Saturday.

He then had a cut at the Hurl I had brought over to hit a few balls with the young lad saying it was a piece of shit


Without even seeing I know he was right.
Probably bought in lifestyle.



You piece of shit!


4 more confirmed in the North.

All can be linked to Italy which is good. 16 cases there now.