The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The Apple case here could be the one that breaks us ā€¦ they better not be sketchy on the detail here

They wonā€™t get a second bite at sorting this.

Iā€™d expect another six here today based on the 1.2 growth rate.

Weā€™ve been below that for the last couple of days

We need to ban all corporate multi national for good. We cannot affors to take any risks

I just fucked my phone in the bin to be safe

A pal just sent me a photo from his local Tesco in gatley.
There is no Jax roll left, but an absolute hape of Kleenex. The tans are that thick.


Theyā€™ll be using their sleeves to wipe their nose.

I am accessing all my devices by means of a fishing rod from here on

Weā€™ve done a great job so far

Itā€™s killing some lads that itā€™s not an epidemic here yet


UK are bang on track for expected spread.

A total of 373 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK as of 9am on Tuesday, up by 54 from 319 at the same point on Monday, the Department of Health has said.

Be over a thousand this time next week at that rate and that was before the lunatics stuck 60k Irish, English and French roasters into the one place


Reports of an earthquake now in Italy

Hopefully we keep it that way for as long as possibleā€¦ if we got to the summer without it going tits up Ireland Inc will be in a good placeā€¦ Are we still on course for an October release for an anti-virus?

Theyā€™re saying they expect low infection rate from the Apple case ā€¦ letā€™s hope this is true and not down playing.

Did my bit for public safety there and turned on the hand-dryer in my local doggy/horsey pub

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Iā€™d say they were safer with it off

I got a new hurley for my youngest (4) there lately, when my auld lad saw it and how much it cost he said why didnā€™t you let me get x up the road to make you wan (A sawed off adult hurley and a ton fucking weight, the yoke I got him is a pure wand that he can twirl with wan hand) for nothing. I decided Iā€™d drive him cuckoo altogether by telling him how much we paid to get the dogs hair cut. :joy:

Rumours that the schools will be closed for two weeks after Easter

Before Easter

Announcement expected at 4pm