The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

To be closely followed by the GAA’s deferral of their fixtures

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


Is it? Seems to be slower than Italy to me.

Even if we take the jump off point for Italian cases being February 22nd and the first large day for the UK (March 1st), the UK should be on at least 2k cases by now. The % positive tests there are around 1.4% where as in Italy it was around 15% a couple of days ago!

The Italians are not a good guide. They made a balls of it.

From Next Wednesday they’ll be closed

Yep but I think it terms of slowing it, it’s actually good news.

We know that it will continue to grow but those are manageable enough figures for the UK before they use other slow down levers and hopefully medicine/good weather can help as well.

Yip, but most will be closed Monday and Tuesday regardless so really it is this Friday but they will say the 18th

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Fucking teachers, isn’t it?

They will all be off on planes in the next week or two spreading the virus, the selfish pricks.


I’m surprised at you. I thought you’d only have Larkin hurls.

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Which Larkin?


One family of Larkin’s makes ,or used to make brutal light hurls.

thats Philip, the brother in Loughrea

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A colleague made a good point that he heard on the radio from an expert: how many people do you know have the flu in the summer? It hit China/Northern Italy in cold conditions and spread like flu normally does. Though very few cases in Southern Italy where it is warmer. As it’s starting to get warm we shouldn’t have to deal with what it could have been like if we were starting in say early January.

But with that I told him to cop himself on with his rational thinking and I turned up Neil Prenderville on the office radio!

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Those fuckers are the reason it is in the country with their Mid term skiing trips to Northern Italy and now they are going to get another couple of weeks off. Bastards.

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Welcome to last week.

And no one knows how it will react in the summer ---- your mate is a gimp – there’s 200k Chinese in the north of Italy and it was ski season - hence the reason we are all in the shit - nothing to do with the warmer south. Shur, there’s cases of it all over the Costa Del Sol.

Hows it getting on in Australia?

Incorrect assumption. The experts say that the heat has little or no effect on this virus

No what has an effect is that people spend more time outside in the summer and less time indoors piocing and coughing on top of each other.