The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

October 2021 I imagine.

Flying it ā€” people dying in Florida also.

I let myself down. The aul lad used to buy me the finest hurls East Galway had as a kid - heā€™d soak them in linseed oil to season them. I was stone cold useless at hurling and Iā€™m not sure he ever really forgave me.


I didnā€™t like to.mention names, but I couldnā€™t deny that.

The Department of Education has said that any decision on school closures will be made on public health grounds and that there is no such advice at this point.

In a statement it has said that it is liaising closely with the Department of Health on a continuing basis.

It has reiterated that it is essential that any decisions regarding responses to Covid-19 are proportionate, necessary and based on specific public health advice and that no other response is appropriate.

Public health professionals will contact schools if there is any action to be taken, the Department says, and schools should not take unilateral action.

The Department says it is deeply conscious of the significance of decisions concerning school closures, and the potential impact any such decisions would have on parents, families and the wider community.

It has advised that this is an evolving situation and the health advice is being updated on a daily basis.

Or infection rate at the moment is very good. Awareness is high and sensible precautions are being taken without shutting down the economy. If we stay going as we are things will be fine here.


Your great work on the weather threads is surely transferable to health. Youā€™ve calmed me down quite a bit here and I feel better than earlier.


closing schools, university and cancelling the parades could be game changers.

The situation is fluid at the moment.

I was onto my auld lad earlier and heā€™s taking the Donald Trump stance on this. He thinks itā€™s peculiar and a total cod. I was caught off guard, as heā€™s usually the most safety conscious person imaginable. Often to the extent that youā€™d want him to just relax a bit (yes we will drive slowly, yes the grandchildren are okay playing in that enclosed garden and a tree wonā€™t collapse on all of them). Heā€™d be worried about unlikely occurrences at times (see above) yet heā€™s completely indifferent to this.

So the auld pair are still attending funerals to bate the band, daily mass, heading into the adjoining community centre for coffee and biscuits afterwards with a load of pensioners coughing on each other, going to the bookies, weekly GAA club and church lotto, a few trips to local hostelries for grub and generally having lots of social contact.

I gently suggested that they might cut back their galavanting, but I could tell he had no intention of doing so.

Maybe youā€™d give less of a fuck if you were over 70?

Or maybe Iā€™m hysterical?



Could you encourage your auld lad to post here to offset the doom and gloom merchants?

He was baffled when I told him I wasnā€™t going to travel down to Chadwicks Wexford Park on Saturday, as Iā€™m semi self-isolating.


this thing has a half life of about 60 hours at room temp with an infection rate of what ( 1 person infect 2 anecdotal tho)
so if some bastard is sneezing next to you bandage and there are two of you near him at the watercooler you will know within a day or so if you have this thing or notā€¦
keep the windows open lads
so if some fella who has this is snuffling away next to

Incubation period is 5 days on average, with outliers up to 14 days.

We are truly blessed we had a hung DƔil in the election.

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Were you climbing the tree when he was worried it would fall on the kids?


Do they take communion on the tongue?

Yerra the virus will spread through the air con anyway