The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

And Krakow Uni from tomorrow.

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I wonder did the EU council have the usual 15 minute delay to get the equipment set up?

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Learning the lessons of Italy. It will just slow it down though.

Which ignorant cunt of a nation won’t go on mute when they are not talking?

My money is on the Swedish.


Will you get the house if he croaks?

Imagine if the Shinners were in power? Five Star in power in Italy and look what happened.

I feel the situation is quite similar to the storm warnings.
People will complain about the precautions being taken if their isn’t deaths.

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Any new Govt woulda been in the shit here. Regardless.

You don’t want a rookie at the tiller in an angry sea.

some cunt is going to make a meme out of that

Big day for them, a real valedictory moment for them after being seen as click baite operators for years. Niall McGarry would have moved such optics.

40 cases on the whole island…

Not bad.

yeah, we’re tipping away nicely as the man says…tho there’s a brief in the next few minutes and there might be one or two more but we’re going OK.

10 new cases confirmed

North and south?

10 in ROI.