The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


locally transmitted or contact with travel?

The HSE isolated a healthcare worker last week in Cork… Will I isolate the kids also she asked… No, they’re grand, send them into school they told her… She tested positive 24 hours later.

I don’t know how we aren’t double Whst we are currently.

Does wearing a plastic bag on one’s head limit the spread?

18 months for an antivirus. Id say it doesn’t matter what we do, you can’t hold out that long. Only hope now is that it’s seasonal.

Seasonal is the last thing youd hope for. Youd hope it’s a one off. If its seasonal we will get another wave before that vaccine timeline

Test rate is slightly below the UK. Would like to get it matching theirs.

Well at least seasonal would abate for a time and allow for some more contingencies and controls to be put in place. Not ideal but better than non stop growth.

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Its slowed in China but the measures taken to slow it are drastic. It’ll have to be done at some stage.

We have this pal. Hang tough.

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Cork is gone. Making preparations to slip over the boarder near killodorry

Any of the new ones community transmission?

Girl I used to work with works there, she said they’d been skiing and haven’t been in the office since they returned.

Just reading the summary and it still looks in control. All explainable infections


This guy styles himself as a “straight talker” which is obviously a dead giveaway he’s a total moron. At a time when the need for real leadership which listens to experts is more important than ever, the US could not be in worse hands.

Linfield soccer player has it.

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Tighten it enough round the neck & throat and it’ll be perfect

GDPR how are ya