The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Should I ring Sean and make sure heā€™s okay with me posting it?

Send him a text there and get an update

I got a laugh out of a comment on the journal there, when someone was complaining about people being allowed back from Italy.

ā€œWe canā€™t stop a citizen who was in ISIS from coming home, we can hardly stop people who were skiingā€ :joy:

Cc @anon78624367


Itā€™ll be great fun if Ireland qualify for a 2021 finals - Mick will have to make way for Kenny then Kenny will have to make way for Mick then Mick will have to make way for Kenny again.


Cunts going off skiing have the country ruined.

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That graph doesnā€™t allow for population size so itā€™s largely pointless. The Italians have about 60m similar to the UK alright, the Swizz have way less so are in fact doing much much worse.

Japs have way more so are doing even better than it would seem. Particularly given their proximity to China.
The US would appear to be doing well as well, if you believe their numbers. Which I do not.

I agree pal and weā€™re facing into them the next 2-3 weeks.

Schools will be shut for 5 weeks

Starting next monday

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That FAI loan might need to be revisited, pity @Bandage isnā€™t involved anymore.

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If childcare shutdown then lots of people wont be going to work

Honestly, if nothing else (as I expect a mass lockdown at some point), this will help free up space of DARTs, LUAS, Commuter rail and buses that will help stop the spread of disease.

I have posted about the danger of giving it back to elderly relatives but itā€™s inevitable by Paddyā€™s weekend.


If they close for the next 5 weeks they are only missing 13 days school


Thatā€™s the South Korean model. People need to be thinking over every move they make.

The Government can only shut down everything when things are critical, otherwise there will he mass issues with supply.

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In the grand scheme of things, thatā€™s fine.


Itā€™s a very difficult one, if it isnt shutdown in time we could be looking at an Italian like situation.

DUB reaching 28 Days Later levels of emptiness tonight. Hardly anyone on the flights. 16 hardy souls on a flight from Frankfurt


I think we have a situation (like theirs now), under control. Of course we will be critical, but we can control it.

Just a FYI on China

That was China for the first few weeks. In Italy they clearly had an early outbreak and people (likely individuals and not the State, as I suspect it would have been here), didnā€™t take it seriously.