The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Terrible to see but hopefully it will just be a few weeks.

I’ve had family cancelling en masse for this weekend from the states. Everyone wants to come but nobody wants to be stranded. Hopefully a good solid couple of weeks of incubation and people can start to get back to their normal lives.

I’m hearing a few worrying stories from airline staff. Unpaid leave, extra duties etc. Must be a very uncertain time for a lot of them

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There needs to be a global financial response and maybe there will be. The only problem is humans are inherently corrupt and the money won’t find it’s way to the correct places.

A blanket suspension of mortgage repayments & SME loan repayments would be a major help along with revenue deferring VAT/PAYE collection.

This is no time for rampant capitalism.

Feel for the chap but I doubt no one cares. Italy have just fucked this up royally. We might be the same.

Patrick’s Day was only cancelled in response to the public mood changing. That’s sort of tail wagging the dog leadership.


Lads going to Cheltenham today. In all fairness. Like. Come on.


The US is doing well, considering the numbers that travel to and from China on a daily basis, especially to the west coast. So far the numbers of people in intensive care and that have died are low. The early travel restriction actions taken in late January/early February clearly had a huge impact in greatly slowing the spread, especially given the many thousands that would have traveled for Chinese New Year. The usual suspects can’t accept that of course, as this would involve giving Trump credit for something.

Clearly there were many infected travelers before end of January though. The outbreak in Seattle was started by a young man who flew back from Wuhan mid January, so there are undoubtedly many such cases around the country. I would expect a big surge in cases in the coming days and weeks, but that’s the same for most countries.

They only cancelled flights after Italy cancelled flights… They’re reacting instead of acting. Nothing fucking new there with Varadkar and co.

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Some concerning anecdotes coming back from doctors of HSE refusing to test suspected cases unless they fit a strict criteria ie came back from Italy/China/Iran etc. Having very suspect symptoms is not enough to get a test for some reason. Hard to know if this is testing capacity or Otherwise

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It’s mad the way a guy who hilariously thinks he knows stuff about medical issues thinks Trump should be given credit for calling the whole thing a hoax.

Nobody should reply to @anon7035031. He’s a simpleton.

Prevention is better than cure. Preventing a catastrophe is better than having to deal with a unfolding catastrophe. Yet the Fine Gael modus operandi is that we should wait for the catastrophe to happen and only then should we think about taking measures to try and get rid of a catastrophe. Politicians are supposed to be guided by experts, but it seems the experts are being guided by politicians.


You have to take into account the utter fucktard gobshites you’re dealing with here


Anecdotally rumours tend to be bullshit.

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You’ve changed your tune.

The financial package announced two days ago was a lot bigger per capita than US or Germany. It was decisive too. Rugby cancelled and Paddy’s Day cancelled. They’ve done well so far but in senior hurling parlance we’re only out of Munster now and it’s into August hurling from here on with no room for a slip.

It’s not enough, the pretend RA heads think the way to contain this is to go door to door and administer punishment beatings to anyone with a cold.

Lads are seething that politicians are listening to and taking Actual public health expert’s advice as opposed to just doing what demands.

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It’s concerning but the State are stepping up, as they should in times like this.

Cunts in fucking Offaly going skiing now. We’ve jumped the shark