The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The St Patrick’s Day Parade in Askeaton is defying the ban and going ahead :grinning:


Sinn Féin’s Brian Stanley was on local radio yesterday. Brian says he’s playing it safe by not eating Chinese food and thinks everyone else should do likewise just to be safe.

yep… myself and @Portumna_Bridge are soldiering on regardless under the watchful eye of @anon98850436
lets just say the various school whattsapp groups have gone nuclear with more rumours

They’ll be coming from all over. The top will be bouncing

There’s no evidence of that. Are you saying Dr Tony Holohan is like that?

FG are hardly in the pocket of the biz class, the IRFU are still livid that the Italy game was called off like it was. D4 business have been hit very badly by this and the wider economy has as well these last few days as well sadly.

Most people are decent and doing their best, political party or not.

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100% - i think we’re over and out up here already
back early in august im assumimg
apologioes for not replying to the PM mate - FWIW - one of the best sporting night’s of my life

thursday was meant to be La Glas and all in school… he had a choice between Meath, rovers, celtic ireland or maccabi haifa

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What happened to trust the experts?

You early on said this was just a flu and now seem to be searching for false Gods to save us.

What’s she an expert in?

She has basically said everything I’ve been saying on here.

I presume shes getting called a fanny and screaming mary on Twitter as well

No, she’s getting a lot of retweet’s and Paddy wants her in charge.

You’ve been highly critical of Italian experts. Haven’t you? Trust the experts, eh.

I never said it was only a flu, but nice lie to mask your lack of argument.

FG are only concerned with the market economy.

Missus is a GP.

In what respect? I just asked how they’ve been successful?

They’re not quarantining people properly either.

I had to laugh earlier, a woman the missus knows is self quarantined above in her attic. They’re passing food up to her. She only comes down to use the facilities.


I really haven’t - your “no action is too great no matter the impact” is typical simplistic blowhard bullshit which I completely reject.

fuck that, hand her uo a few nappies…
