The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Oh look, Dimmy’s doing that thing looney right wingers always do, getting all sarcastic to try and discredit somebody telling a few uncomfortable truths.

Very 2008 “green jersey” style.

On the end of a golf club

The alternative is the impact will be too great so action wont make a difference, it’s a very delicate balance and the more its delayed, the more likely it will be

Simon Harris being asked about 5 League Of Ireland games being played behind closed doors.


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Calm down bro.

Is it better to over react or under react to a pandemic in terms of public health measures?

We have a mutual friend with underlying health problems who hasn’t been tested despite showing symptoms, mate. Remember, you’re on the WhatsApp group? You were wearing your blue jumper when he sent a message about it.

Joe Rogan podcast had an expert on there next 3-7 months 98 million inflected 45million hospital cases with 498,000 people dead , and 200,000 of them coming from Cheltenham. So its daunting stuff .


I don’t care what “side she’s on”.

By all accounts she is an expert in her field.

But not this area. That’s the reality, you can post up egomaniac PC all you want.

Simon Harris has suggested GP s being encouraged to be more suspicious and to start requiring testing more often for Covid 19.

Praises the opposition for their collaboration and calls on Muintir na hEireann to get ready for a real community effort.

A Tour de France here from the Minister for Health.

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It’s basic common sense, to some.

He doesn’t have it sure.

Prob depends which causes more damage overall to individuals/communities/societies

Lads hoping for a lockdown will get it next week.

Michael Osterholm, an actual expert in infectious diseases. Well worth a listen.

Didn’t notice you agreeing to his lunch meet up suggestion all the same.

The lady here, who is an expert on infectious disease cc @anon7035031, is looking for much tougher measures.

Leo and Simon not listening to her cc @TheUlteriorMotive

You’re trying to paint anybody who disagrees with you as a lunatic. Again, that’s what looney right-wingers do.

Ironic you mentioned PC as it’s you who’s being PC here. Classic 2008 green jersey stuff. We will look back and wonder why we didn’t fill our boots with those shares.

I didn’t say she was. I said she wasn’t an expert. That’s it.

No. If you over react you have a less severe public health problem. If you under react, you end up with many thousands of people dying unnecessary and agonising deaths.