The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Yeah I think that is next phase and Harris did say that. Need to up the level of testing and increase numbers in contact tracing. This lady says now that to up testing need to scale up laboratory resources which is happening now.

Iā€™ve noticed people starting to change their behaviour in last day or so and people now choosing not to go to things in a form of self isolation. Will be a real challenge if schools close for parents and childminding but we can get through it I hope.

10 cases today is the tipping point.

Sheā€™s a gynecologist, maybe she can check your fanny.

She is correct in that countries that took decisive action early (like the US) have slowed the spread of the disease. Her example of Taiwan isnā€™t a great one as China banned tourist travel to Taiwan late last year, which helped more than anything Taiwan could do.

As long as he is not connected to anyone working in Europe or anything like that you should be fine ladsā€¦

This is pretty simple. Weā€™ve seen the measures put in place by the actual experts in China over the last few weeks and how they have worked so successfully. Ireland is doing nothing like that.

Italy has experts. Italy tested far more than Ireland. Italy failed to halt the march of the virus and so has been forced to implement Chinese style measures.

But in both countries, they waited for catastrophe before doing what was necessary.

You donā€™t wait for catastrophe. Prevention is better than cure. Ireland is sleepwalking into a catastrophe.

But not a golf club which has played in Portmarnock golf club recently.

Are they not normally?


Did he ask does DMT cute it?

If all you measure it is in terms of a virus spread then clearly over-reacting is better.

However, that completely disregards real impacts on people lives in both the short-term and long-term that can be caused by over-reaction so ultimately itā€™s an incomplete analysis.

Not per head of population they didnā€™t.

Again, I donā€™t want to criticise Italy, but something went wrong there and itā€™s a learning for us.


Any reaction which does not put the prevention of thousands of unnecessary and agonising deaths as the primary aim is an under reaction. Ireland is in serious danger of following the pathetic, anti-science response of the Trump regime to this crisis in placing the health of ā€œthe marketā€ above public health. But the surest way to hobble an economy is allowing a full blown public health crisis to proceed unchecked.

Martial law it is so I suppose then

In your head appropriate measures = martial law.

No, just travel restrictions from the affected area. Bit of common sense.

In your head anything less than immediate and months long shut down of normal day to day society is gross irresponsibility

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Theyve declared an emergency in Massachusetts

Sid doesnā€™t get out anyway so heā€™s safe.

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So most countries in the world now?

Would you include Cork at this stage or just countries?

Heā€™s rent free in your head for sure.