The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

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It is though

You OK hun?


Every area is affected, there are more reported cases in Iceland currently than Ireland. There’s no way to stop this now unless all travel is halted between countries, within countries, and basically everyone ordered to not leave their homes.

Are you saying Sid is Perez?

Midleton Tesco’s is out of big roll. I repeat, Midleton Tesco’s is out of bog roll

We heard you the first time

Big big roll?? Or all big roll??

Ah fuck it. I’m leaving it there. @myboyblue missed a sitter there

You’d think Ireland are the worst country in the world at dealing with this by the way some lads are talking. If the rumours are true and the schools are off from next week onwards then that’s a far more drastic solution than most countries in similar situations to us are taking

Lads love to bitch and moan. Lads On here more so than most.


That’s the first decisive action they’ve taken bar calling off a six nations game but then allowing the italians in anyway.

We have 6 people working on contact tracing in the entire country. China had 5k per 5million. We are not going to be able to scale up after the horse has bolted



70 of the 92 cases linked to a conference held by Biogen.
Show’s how infectious the bastard is.

Some lads won’t be happy until we’re in underground bunkers eating baked beans and sardines out of tins for months at a time

Yes they did, by a considerable margin.

As of today Ireland has tested around 1700 people out of a population of around 4.8 million.

By March 8th Italy had tested a few hundred shy of 50k in a population of around 60 million.

It really is selfish behaviour.

Nobody is going to be happy no matter how much you project them to be.

In fact the only person who may be happy is @Watchyourtoes who seemed quite happy to let it run its course and weed out the old and weak