The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Absolutely brain dead

The Tipp lads wouldnā€™t know what to do with themselves in such luxury


Thereā€™s a few lads on here already existing like that

Facts generally donā€™t agree with right wing ideologues so they just try to mendaciously paint anybody who disagrees with them as a lunatic. Saves on thinking.

The Tan health minister has tested positive.

On the Ball there mate

China have a lot more people and can order them to do whatever they want at the drop of a hat.
The government would have an awful difficult job re-assigning the civil service to contact tracing on Monday morning

So there you have it. China and Italy have it under control, the rest of us not so much.

China, who has failed for decades to control the cultural practices that lead to these outbreaks, and lied through their teeth hoping it would not get out of control, and then allowed five million people leave Wuhan, have it under control. They have in their bollox, they have stopped reporting cases outside Hubei.

Italy, which has over 10,000 cases and 631 dead, also have it under control. Because they test more people, which apparently is linked to them getting really sick and dying. Perhaps it is, maybe people are getting infected going to medical facilities to get checked.

You couldnā€™t make it up.


Fire in a few videos* of Dā€™Unbeliveables & Killinascully and with any luck they wont come back out!

We really do need to become more like China

They need volunteers

Get on your hi-vis

South Korea: 3,500 tests per million of population.
USA: 5 tests per million of population.

There is one simpleton here who thinks the latter figure equals a good response.

You would wonder why anybody bothered to go and study epidemiology when lads on here have it sorted. Just close everything down indefinitely.


Away you go. Put your money where your mouth is

Iā€™ve already mobilized the community watch whatsapp group. Some ladā€™s talk a good gameā€¦

The right wing nut jobs here are like yer man on CNBC Rick Santinelli who thinks the best thing is for everybody to get the virus as quickly as possible.


Some lads have built an entire TFK persona around linking, no matter how tangentially, any subject with the horrors of authoritarian regimes.

Now theyā€™re screaming for Ireland to replicate the actions of such a regime.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch.


Must be great for lads not to have to worry about if their company will be able to pay them a wage or not in a months time. Just shut everything down. Thatā€™ll sort it.