The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You and the other idiot who thinks testing 5 people per million think true freedom is the freedom of pandemics to spread unchecked.

And you’re saying Italy are wrong to take the measures have taken.

“Experts”, eh, who needs them, we have @tailback and @anon7035031, who know better.

So nearly three weeks then.

Spot the civil servants

That’s the grim reality of it… Lot of people very stressed right now id say.

I really don’t. But you don’t do nuance so not much point in getting into it with you.

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There’ll be lads over beyond in Cheltenham waking up dead as a doornail in the morning.


Sounds like a regular morning over there

I’m getting the forms tomorrow.

This virus has made a bollix of the year. Working from home actually results in people working longer hours etc. They feel guilty logging off…your home should ideally be a break from capitalism and the company.


Depends on your point of view.

Let it loose and it will cull a section of the population who are an expense in terms of pensions & health care.

Hopefully they’re all in the “endangered” demographic.

You need to stop projecting, because in terms of mendaciously misrepresenting the views of other posters here, you’ve been one of the worst offenders on this thread. And that is precisely because of your lack of ability to do nuance.

Do you agree with the measures Italy has taken?

Because either way, you look very foolish. If you don’t, you reject the views of experts. If you do, you agree with the very thing you were just saying you didn’t want.

I love when right wing nut jobs tie themselves up in knots.

And this thread has been a doozy for it.

Other thing is, we’re looking at potentially no sport within a week or so.

Unchartered territory, to say the least.

Needs to be swift action here, still can get ahead of it.



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Give it a couple weeks mate.

Also, I’m down to 6 rolls at home.

This narrative is becoming openly acceptable in right wing circles.

Right-wing politics stripped bare has always and will always come back to one eternal fantasy - a holocaust to get rid of those who are inconvenient to them.


7500 last home game for SRFC

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Why are people going nuts for toilet roll?

it’s Australia, they’re symptoms will be down under.