The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Youd think they wouldnt be filling their gaffes with highly flammable products

Try wipe your hole without it

Too much grog.

Nature bro. Dock leaves are natures toilet roll



I don’t know but I would fancy wiping my arse with pistachio shells

“As of today”

What is the positive test percentages? That tells you a lot on how early they got on this. They had 7 deaths before then started releasing numbers. Their positive percentage numbers vs other European nations suggest they missed out on a significant number of cases. Why have Germany been so much better?

You are determined, for some bizarre reason, to stick to the line that Italy did a great job.

Any lad who WFH on a regular basis knows the answer to that question

They believe it is made in china and Oz will stop importing it

Fuck you

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I get nothing done at home! Between doing the school runs, making lunches, looking after the baby…it’s a joke!

I’m building an office in the garage, should be finish by the end of this month. I’ll be able to leave the house when working at home and actually do some work in peace.


You animal

Fairplay, a lot of people need to start doing the same.

I bought 2 x 16 pks today.

I saw a lad cycling on the quays today with a 16 pack in one hand. A very balanced individual.

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You said quite confidently that Italy has tested less per head of population than Ireland.

Italy has tested considerably MORE per head of population than Ireland.

You were wrong.

Italy has taken this crisis considerably more seriously than Ireland. Despite that, they have not been successful. However Italy has many lessons to teach Ireland and other countries about what’s coming down the tracks and their central message is: “act and act fast, faster than we did”.

Your message is that Ireland doesn’t have any lessons to learn from Italy.

Hubris is always one of the defining traits of a right wing nut job.

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100% agree. This is a shit storm.

I haven’t been this nervous since Joe Mangel kidnapped Sky back in 1989.


I wonder why

Hubristic responses like this show Ireland has a problem, a big one.