The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Fair play, in a gay bar on a random Tuesday afternoon.

Enjoy mate. Poor aul biden having a rough day of it on the viral (clips) front

I’m sure the vaccine deniers would do a much better job.

Time is running out.

Are they a group now?

Bernie going down tonight. Dems have decided old senile guy better shot than old raving socialist. What choice we have.

I presume AOC will be the first female president in 5 years time?

We already know what an anti-vaccine regime looks like. It’s the US, and it’s a disaster where the corrupt criminal in charge fails between telling people the virus is a hoax and that the hoax has gone away.

Place your bet now.

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Italy has now joined China, Iran and parts of South Korea on the BANNED list for Australians.

@Fitzy it’s fairly remarkable we only have 100 odd cases at this stage, given our intrinsic cultural and commercial links with China. That number is liable to increase exponentially at any moment, but at this stage, it’s quite remarkable it’s so low.

I read that in a dundalk accent and it was fucking hilarious

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The Aussies were clever enough to burn the virus

Put it to music to really grasp Jim’s position

I’m not sure if you’ve got the grasp of what a virus is?

If Jim is even 1% right there, its a David Icke wet dream tbf.

No thank god .

Well yeah, the facist gubberbment saw an opportunity to ban foreign slanty eyed fuckers from coming here and their base went “huzzah”.
Then realised everyone is going to lose their job. Not huzzah.

I’m not sure I quite like your tone.

I just detest this government.