The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Not a hope

Thereā€™s always hope

Thereā€™s more of a chance she will lose her House seat. Thereā€™s a good chance her district in NY will be eliminated based on the latest census as 25% living there are non-citizens.

There is very little support in the US for socialism. Bernie was an anomaly after the financial crash, most of those who supported him in 2016 have graduated and have good jobs now. They are conspicuous by their absence in the Democratic primaries this year.

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Big spikes in Japan and South Korea last night. Two countries that were supposed to be winning their battles :cry:

US crosses a thousand a cases. They are fucked as well.

We all are I suppose.

New Zealand still keeping it out no new cases for four days. It seems to be scared of strong women, itā€™s Mary Lous time

Any spike in numbers in Russia?

Arsenal :face_with_thermometer:

People get slack thinking theyā€™ve beaten it and let thier guard down I assume?

You wonā€™t hear anything from Russia until the place is destroyed

Thereā€™s a know it all here who keeps saying the US is fine thanks to the measures taken by Trump.

Thatā€™s the Premier League gone so?

Itā€™ll go down as the year no one won the title

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I spent a good portion of last night filling smaller hand sanitizers from bigger ones and ensuring all staff across both terminals in DUB were within a meter of these newer, smaller and frankly better bottles. I wonā€™t say Iā€™ve single handedly stopped the virus (thatā€™s really for history to judge) but I feel we can now safely say itā€™s @Batigol 1 Coronavirus 0


Any new cases being reported in Eire this morning?

Have you something to tell us mate?

Does anyone remember the ā€œexpertā€ from a few days ago confidently asserting on the national airwaves that youā€™d need to stand right in front of an infected person and get covered in salive for 15 mins before youd get infected?
Noone has a fcuking clue what this will do really. Anyone who says they do is making it up.

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They donā€™t report them till the evening. Why you expecting something?

I havenā€™t smoke Doob since Sunday, Iā€™ve a pain in my head and a tight chest. Sweats last night too.

Iā€™m fucked.


Do we need to self isolate on TFK? Thereā€™s a few lads who are already showing signs of cabin fever.

Itā€™s not like Winning Streakā€¦they wonā€™t inform you directly over the national airwaves.

If you are displaying symptoms you should follow HSE guidelines.