The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We need to get that “expert” onto tfk. Would fit in well here.

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We are already well stocked with experts in literally every field


Is sge a socialist or is she just sensible. I dont follow US politics all that closely but anytime I see or hear of her she is talking sense


And we can add further experts overnight as needed

You mean like the time she accused Amazon of paying starvation wages and they needed to up their wages to $15 an hour. Six months after they had raised all salaries to at least $15 an hour.

She’s a dangerous idiot, like all fanatics.

She does a lot of good work and seems a genuine sort.

She drove Amazon out of New York and cost the city 20,000 good paying jobs. Carry on.


Do you ever sleep?


Amazon set up in NY anyway,not to the same scale, but it just didnt get millions of tax-payers money to do so.

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A dry run of WFH from home today

Far far fewer jobs and higher skilled. Those terrible corporations, we’d be much better off without them right.

This is no time for sleep.

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No mate… no one is saying that… But these corporations control most of the world’s wealth and then want to use billions of tax payers money to set up shop. They cant have it every which way. But that’s how it goes in the US, public services and money towards such gets directed to billionaires and corporations all the time. It’s morally wrong.


Talking about airport now on newstalk and not a single mention of your Ghandi-like act of kindness and care? Get on to them pal, has to be a b&b voucher or branded mug in it for you.

He’s too sick in bed to make phone calls.

Some good the hand sanitizers did him so, better off drinking them

Sounds like an absolute snafu in UH Waterford

Go on